Hair Transplant

A hair transplant (surgical hair restoration, hair replacement) is a procedure that restores hair in balding areas by moving hair follicles from other areas of the scalp or body. 

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What is Hair Transplant ?

A hair transplant (surgical hair restoration, hair replacement) is a procedure that restores hair in balding areas by moving hair follicles from other areas of the scalp or body. Hair transplant restores the hair of a patient and provides the desired fullness and density that might be lacking due to balding or thinning on the scalp. Patients that want to restore the hair on their scalp often turn to a hair transplant to get the desired results. The hair that is placed in the balding area of the scalp is normally transplanted from the donor area located on the back or sides of the scalp using a FUE or FUT technique.

Medically Reviewed by: Parsa Mohebi, MD


Parsa Mohebi, MD Beverly Hills, CA Hair Transplant Surgeon

Types of Hair Transplant

Follicular Unit Extraction   

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is where the hair transplant surgeon removes the hair grafts or follicular units individually from the scalp donor area (back or sides of the scalp) of the patient so the process does not leave a linear scalp scar. A punch instrument makes tiny circular incisions around the targeted follicular unit so it can be removed. The follicular units are counted and arranged in groups to be transplanted into the scalp. The hair grafts are placed in premade incisions in the balding area. The process of graft extraction can be performed manually or using motorized devices or an automated device. Other variations of FUE hair transplant include Robotic FUE, Non-Shaven FUE, Beard to Scalp FUE and Body to Scalp FUE

Follicular Unit Transplantation   

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) begins with the surgeon cutting a strip of scalp from the back of the head (in the area where the hair is permanent) to remove the scalp skin containing the hair follicles. The follicular units are dissected microscopically and then implanted in tiny incisions made in the balding areas of the scalp.

Hair Transplant videos

FUE Hair Transplant: Cosmetic Procedures Decoded
Parsa Mohebi, MD - Hair Transplant
Real Beauty Story: FUE Hair Transplant
Parsa Mohebi, MD - FUT Hair Transplant
Modena FUE Hair Transplant Las Vegas & Orange County
Amir Yazdan, MD - Follicular Unit Extraction

Hair Transplant videos

Am I a Candidate for a Hair Transplant ?

Ideal candidates for Hair Transplant include:
Most men with typical male patterned hair loss
Some patients with female patterned hair loss
Hair loss due to surgical or traumatic scars
Some congenital hair loss conditions such as congenital triangular alopecia
A patient with the proper amount of available donor hair to achieve the desired results
Patients with realistic expectations about the results that can be achieved by a hair transplant
Patient who have lost hair in other parts of the body due to a scar or congenital conditions such as lack or thinning of eyebrows or facial hair

Hair Transplant costs

Los Angeles

The total cost of a hair transplant surgery depends on a number of factors including the type of hair restoration surgery performed by the doctor. In addition, the cost per graft as well as the amount of grafts used in the surgery also determines the final price. Plus, any fees charged by the doctor or the facility will also have an impact on the final price.

Hair Transplant Procedure Explained

A hair transplant is when a surgeon moves hair follicles from the donor area. Donor area is typically located on the back or sides of the scalp but beard and body hair can also be sources of hair in some individuals. The extracted hair is then implanted to the balding area of the head. Here are the procedure steps for the two main types of hair restoration

Follicular Unit Extraction Steps

Design - Hairline is designed by the surgeon.
Anesthesia - Local anesthesia is applied to the donor and recipient area.pient area.
Site making
Site making - Incisions or sites are made by the doctor according to where the doctor wants to implant the grafts. Hair follicles are extracted from the donor area of the scalp, on an individual basis, using tiny punch incisions.
Extraction – Follicular unit grafts are excised from the donor area and counted and prepared.
Implantation - The hair follicles are implanted into the sites that were made in balding area of the scalp.
Follicular Unit Transplantation Steps

Design - Hairline is designed by the surgeon.
Anesthesia - Local anesthesia is applied to the scalp.
Strip removal
Strip removal - The surgeon uses a scalpel to cut a strip of skin, which is normally several inches long, from the back and sides of the head. The doctor will then close the wound with stitches or staples.
Graft preparation
Graft preparation - The surgical team separates the portion of the scalp that was removed into small sections containing hair follicular units.
Implantation - The follicular units are then placed in premade incisions, created by the surgeon, that are located in the balding area of the scalp.

Hair Transplant Downtime and Recovery

The patient will see small red holes where the grafts were harvested in an FUE procedure but these will heal in a few days. In strip FUT procedure, there will be a closed linear wound on the back. There will also be some redness, swelling, bruising and scabbing in the transplanted area for a few weeks. After the FUE procedure, the scalp might be minimally sore but a mild pain medication is usually sufficient to relieve any pain or discomfort. More pain and tightness is generally expected on the donor area after a strip FUT hair transplant. Most people can resume normal daily activities within 1-2 days of having the procedure.

The transplanted hair will start to fall out anywhere from 3-4 weeks after a hair transplant procedure. New hair will start to grow within 2-3 months and they will become longer and thicker over time.

This is normal and no reason for patient to worry. The final appearance of the hair will be visible anywhere from 12-18 months after a hair transplant.

The patient will see small red holes where the grafts were harvested in an FUE procedure but these will heal in a few days. In strip FUT procedure, there will be a closed linear wound on the back. There will also be some redness, swelling, bruising and scabbing in the transplanted area for a few weeks. After the FUE procedure, the scalp might be minimally sore but a mild pain medication is usually sufficient to relieve any pain or discomfort. More pain and tightness is generally expected on the donor area after a strip FUT hair transplant. Most people can resume normal daily activities within 1-2 days of having the procedure.

The transplanted hair will start to fall out anywhere from 3-4 weeks after a hair transplant procedure. New hair will start to grow within 2-3 months and they will become longer and thicker over time.

This is normal and no reason for patient to worry. The final appearance of the hair will be visible anywhere from 12-18 months after a hair transplant.

Hair Transplant complications

Folliculitis is a skin lesion that occurs due to the inflammation of the hair follicles. These are pimple-like lesions that present themselves within the first 6 months after a hair transplant. They usually resolve by themselves and occasionally require surgical intervention such as an incision and drainage.

Numbness can be experienced for hours or days after a procedure on the recipient or donor area.

Shock loss is the loss of preexisting non-transplanted hair in the area. This condition may happen due to the stress that the healing phase can have on the scalp hair. Patients usually lose the hair around the transplanted area, on a temporary basis, within the first few months after a hair transplant. Patients who use medications such as finasteride or minoxidil can minimize or eliminate this risk.

Scarring can be seen after a strip procedure in the donor area. The scar can be visible as a linear scar where there strip is removed. The new techniques of FUE generally do not leave visible scarring. If anything, they may have small puncture scars or hypopigmentation that are white dots where the grafts are removed.

Redness is present due to the healing after the procedure and it may last several days to several weeks. It can be seen in the recipient or donor area.

Typical Hair Transplant results

About 2-4 weeks after the surgery, the hair follicles will enter their resting phase. This means the patient will start losing the transplanted hair shafts. The transplanted hair will start to grow after 2-3 months. They continue to become fuller and thicker and the final results will be visible anywhere from 12-18 months after the surgery. The results should be natural in appearance and will last a lifetime. While the transplanted hair will not fall out, patients can still experience balding in other areas of the scalp. Because patients can still lose hair on other areas of the scalp, they might need another hair transplant in the future to address balding in these additional areas.

Typical Hair Transplant results

About 2-4 weeks after the surgery, the hair follicles will enter their resting phase. This means the patient will start losing the transplanted hair shafts. The transplanted hair will start to grow after 2-3 months. They continue to become fuller and thicker and the final results will be visible anywhere from 12-18 months after the surgery. The results should be natural in appearance and will last a lifetime. While the transplanted hair will not fall out, patients can still experience balding in other areas of the scalp. Because patients can still lose hair on other areas of the scalp, they might need another hair transplant in the future to address balding in these additional areas.

Alternatives to Hair Transplant

 Scalp Mircopigmentation (SMP)

SMP is a non-invasive treatment that creates the look of small hair follicles on the scalp. A micro-needle is used to deposit pigments though the scalp dermal layer. The pigments replicate the look of hair follicles by blending in with the complexion of the person. In general, it takes about three sessions to achieve the desired look with the proper shading and definition to the scalp.

Forehead reduction

Also known as hairline lowering or advancement, reduces the size of a forehead that is elongated. The reduction is achieved through the removal of part of the forehead skin to create a lower hairline by reducing the distance between the hairline and the eyebrows.

Hair system

Hair system involves applying a thin and transparent membrane, which includes human hair, to the scalp. The membrane is woven-in with the existing hair to create a natural look.


Microfibers and other concealers like Toppik conceal the look of thinning hair and baldness. Toppik uses micro-fibers which bind to the hair to create the appearance of thickness to the hairline.

Scalp reduction

Scalp reduction is a surgical procedure that was more popular in the past. Scalp reduction involved removing the balding area of the scalp rather than implanting hair to it. The problem with scalp reduction for male patterned baldness was that it left a scar where the scalp was removed. As patterned hair loss advanced, there was not enough scalp to cover the balding area.

Non-surgical hair restoration or medical hair restoration

Non-surgical hair restoration is a great alternative to hair transplant for patients in their early stage of balding with thinning hair on limited areas of the scalp. Using hair loss medications such as Propecia (finasteride) or Rogaine (minoxidil) the patient can slow down the process of hair loss. Medical hair restoration is recommended to these hair loss patients without, or in addition to, a hair transplant.

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The next step in the hair transplant process is finding the right hair transplant surgeon in you area that is experienced in providing natural, long lasting hair restoration results. In order to help you find the best cosmetic doctor for you procedure of choice, please use our "Find Doctor" search page.

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