Male Tummy Tuck

A male tummy tuck, AKA abdominoplasty, removes excess fat and skin as well as tightens muscles to create a firmer abdomen. A traditional tummy tuck is when an incision is made from one side of the hip to the other and also around the belly button to reposition the navel. Extended tummy tuck removes “love handles” from the sides of the waist as well as excess fat and skin around the stomach. Circumferential tummy tuck lessens skin elasticity while a mini-tummy tuck changes the look of the abdomen below the navel. Endoscopic tummy tuck is best for patients with little abdomen fat, weak abdominal muscles and a bit of loose skin around the stomach.

Ideal candidates for a male tummy tuck are men looking to remove excess fatty tissue or abdominal skin. They are also looking to reduce the amount that the abdomen protrudes on a regular basis. In addition, men that are not able to tighten their abdominal wall skin with exercise are good candidates.

The cost of a male tummy tuck procedure is anywhere from $3000-$12,000. The cost depends on the amount of work performed during the surgery, the type of tummy tuck performed and the area of the country where it is performed.

The results of a tummy tuck should last for a decade or longer. The patient will enjoy a smooth body contour and a more toned abdomen. The procedure also helps to increase the self-confidence and self-image of a patient. Any scars tend to become tighter and flatter as time passes.

Mini Liposuction

Mini Liposuction

submitted on   Tue Apr, 12, 2016 by David Amron, MD     
Mini liposuction is used to treat patients who are already near their ideal weight but want to target one or two areas of the body which are disproportionally retaining fat. The procedure is similar to regular liposuction in regards to the incisions being made and fat taken out. However, it is a...