Do Not Consider a Butt Lift Before Reading This Article

Posted April 26, 2022
Butt Lift information to know

As a person gets older, there are certain factors that can impact the appearance of the butt. These factors include genetics, changes in weight, the aging process and pregnancy. The butt can gain an improved shape and contour through a butt lift since this procedure gives the skin a smoother surface and an improved lift to a butt that is sagging or drooping. Let’s examine how a butt lift is performed as well as the patients that are ideal candidates for the treatment.

Butt Lift Explained

In general, a butt lift is performed to remove loose tissue and skin that gives the butt a sagging look. The removal of this skin and tissue gives the backside an appearance that is smoother and rounder while also reducing the look of any skin that is dimpling.

If a person wants to gain a larger size to the butt, then butt implants will need to be placed or fat will need to be transferred into the buttocks.

When it comes to a butt lift, the best candidates for the surgery are people with a good amount of loose tissue in the butt. The person should also be in overall good health and have realistic expectations about the type of results they can expect to achieve.

Butt Lift Options

A butt lift can be performed several day ways and the specific butt lift depends on the desired final results on the part of the patient.

  • Traditional Butt Lift – This type of butt lift was discussed above, and it is performed to remove sagging tissue skin while also giving the butt a tighter and more youthful look. The surgeon creates an incision along the top or underside of both buttocks in order to remove the unwanted tissue. Once the incision is closed, drainage tubes might need to be placed to help get rid of excess fluid.
  • Butt Implants – This butt augmentation technique gives a better shape and size to the buttocks through the insertion of silicone implants that are placed below the tissue of the buttocks. The results provide a rounder shape as well as more projection to the butt. The only implant that is currently approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is a solid silicone implant that is available in both shaped and round styles. The incision that is created to place the implants will be closed with sutures.
  • Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) – This type of butt lift is one that involves fat grafting to improve the shape and size of the butt. Liposuction is performed in order to remove fat from another section on the body of the patient (including the thighs, hips, and lower abdomen). The surgeon will process and purify the removed fat before injecting it back into the butt to provide the desired final look and size. The patient needs to have enough excess fat elsewhere on the body that can be removed via liposuction. It should be noted that a Brazilian butt lift (BBL) does not treat sagging skin so the patient will need to have a good amount of skin elasticity on the butt and hips.

Reasons for a Butt Lift

There are multiple reasons that a person will want to have a butt lift:

  • The patient has not been able to attain the desired look to the butt through regular diet and exercise
  • A person might have lost a large amount of weight which has resulted in sagging skin they want to lift and tighten
  • Someone who wants improved self-confidence due to the appearance of the droopy skin
  • A person who wants to be able to fit into clothing more comfortably
  • A patient with realistic expectations about the type, and amount, of results they can expect to see

Butt Lift Risks

Some of the most common risks of butt lift surgery include a final look that has some asymmetry to it, changes in sensation, numbness, and the need for additional revisions if the person is not happy with the final results.

If the patient has a Brazilian butt lift, some of the risks associated with the liposuction part of the procedure include infection, hematoma, fat necrosis, cysts, and seroma. In addition, there is the danger of a piece of the injected fat entering the lung and causing a pulmonary embolism (which is a blockage in one of the arteries that carries blood to the lungs).

Butt Lift Recovery and Results

The recovery process can last for several weeks, and the patient is not able to sit on their butt during this time period. They should plan on sleeping on their stomach at night and kneeling or standing at work during the day for at least the first two weeks. They will also need someone to drive them home after the surgery thanks to anesthesia and the inability to sit and drive. The doctor will let the patient know when they can begin to sit on a donut pillow.

It can take about a year for the transferred fat to fully assimilate in the body after a BBL. Some of the fat will not remain after being transferred but around 60\%-80\% usually remains in the butt.

The results of any type of butt lift are immediately visible. The results should be long-lasting and can even be considered to be permanent.

- MA


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