See how Beard to Scalp FUE is Performed on a Real Patient

Posted August 22, 2019
See how beard to scalp FUE is performed on a real patient

A hair transplant gives patients with thinning hair or balding areas on the scalp the density and fullness they desire when it comes to hair on their head. The hair that is transplanted to the scalp is traditionally moved from the back of the head, AKA the donor area, because the hair in this area of the scalp is traditionally resistant to balding. While many patients are able to get the necessary amount of hair grafts for transplantation from the back or sides of the scalp, there are others that do not have a sufficient amount of donor hair in these scalp areas to achieve their desired final results. Thankfully, these patients have other options as hair grafts can also be taken from other areas of the body including the beard.

Cosmetic Town TV recently visited the Los Angeles office of Dr. Parsa Mohebi, a board-certified and experienced hair transplant surgeon, to learn more about how beard to scalp FUE hair transplant is performed:`

Beard to Scalp FUE Explained

A beard to scalp FUE hair transplant is ideal for patients without enough donor hair on the back or sides of the scalp. The hair follicles are extracted individually from the beard so they can be transplanted in the balding or thinning areas of the scalp. The transplanted hair follicles are implanted in the natural direction of their growth so the results will look aesthetically pleasing to the patient and to those viewing the transplanted hair.

In general, beard to scalp FUE is more challenging than a traditional FUE procedure that removes the hair grafts from the donor area on the back of the scalp. The skin on the face is considered to be more mobile than the skin on the scalp. Plus, the hair angles on the face are usually steeper. Because of these facial characteristics, a good number of the automated and robotic hair extraction methods used on the scalp are not designed to harvest facial hair. Manual hair extraction techniques are the most useful and practical method of harvesting hair from the face, such as the beard, and transplanting it to the scalp.

Advantages, Limitations and Results of Beard to Scalp FUE

As mentioned above, one of the advantages of beard to scalp hair transplant is that it is a good option for patients lacking a sufficient amount of donor hair on the back of the scalp. This is especially true in patients with advanced stages of hair loss as they often have a very limited supply of donor hair.  In addition, hair from the beard is usually much thicker which means it provides a greater volume after the hair transplant. The amount of greater volume is crucial in providing the type of results desired by patients lacking a good amount of donor hair on the back of the scalp. In addition, there are many men who do not enjoy having to shave their faces on a daily basis so removing the hair from the back of the scalp will not make a great impact on their lives. Many men say they enjoy the fact that they do not have to shave on a regular basis.

It should be noted that there are some limitations when it comes to having beard to scalp FUE:

  • While facial hair does have a thicker shaft that provides a greater amount of volume after being transplanted, the number of hair follicles per follicular unit is usually limited to one or two hairs per graft
  • Men with sparse beard hair often do not have an adequate amount of hair to be transplanted via beard to scalp FUE
  • The greater thickness of beard hair does provide a greater amount of volume to hair on the scalp but the coarse nature of the hair is less than ideal for transplanting the hair to the temples or the front of the scalp. Beard hair is best used in the top and crown areas of the scalp

The results of beard to scalp FUE are long lasting and natural in appearance. The facial hair stays in the growth phase, AKA the anagen phase, for a longer period of time than the resting phase, AKA the telogen phase of hair growth. This means the facial hair will stay in place for a longer period of time and produce a longer hair shaft which provides a greater density to the transplanted hair.

Beard to Scalp FUE Consultation

Facial hair can be a good source of hair for patients that lack enough hair in the donor area on the scalp to provide the desired amount of hair fullness and density after a hair transplant. Patients that are interested in learning more about having beard to scalp FUE hair transplant should schedule a consultation appointment with a board-certified doctor experienced in providing the desired results with this hair transplant technique. The hair restoration surgeon can examine the scalp of the patient to determine the cause of the hair loss as well as the best hair transplant technique to provide the desired results on the scalp.



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