Plastic Surgery Myths - Secrets Revealed

Posted September 12, 2023
Learn about the plastic surgery myths

Plastic surgery can enhance and alter the look and functionality of the area of the body that is being treated. Plastic surgery is often considered to be a procedure that can only be afforded by the wealthy, is mainly performed on female patients, and is a popular choice because of the vanity of the patient. None of these plastic surgery myths are true as patients come from all genders, procedures are performed for a variety of reasons that do not include the vanity of the person, and it can be afforded by the majority of the public thanks to loans and payment plans. These are not the only myths related to plastic surgery so let’s take a look at some of the most common plastic surgery myths that are believed by a number of patients and the general public.

Plastic Surgery Myths – True or Not?

When it comes to plastic surgery myths, it is important to know which beliefs about these myths count as misinformation and which ones are actual facts. The Cosmetic Town team has performed research on some of the most common plastic surgery myths in order to separate the truth from the beliefs about certain plastic surgery procedures that are not true and should not go into the process of deciding about undergoing plastic surgery.

Let’s get started on examining these plastic surgery myths:

Rhinoplasty, AKA a nose job, is able to change or alter the size, appearance, and shape of the nose. The two main types of rhinoplasty surgery are open rhinoplasty and closed rhinoplasty. Since closed rhinoplasty involves creating the incisions on the inside of the nose, many patients think they cannot get the same type of results as open rhinoplasty where the surgeon makes incisions on the outside of the nose (which also allows greater visibility of the nasal structure). The same type of results can be gained from both techniques and the decision regarding which technique to use depends on the extent of the desired changes and the amount of work that will need to be performed. The decision will also be determined by the current health of the patient, and this includes any type of nasal blockage or surgical procedures that might have been performed on the nose in the past.

There are some people who believe that breast implants do not need to be changed or removed from the body once they are put in place by a plastic surgeon. They often think that breast implants last a lifetime which, in their minds, means they do not need to be changed or addressed once they are in the body. Saline breast implants and silicone breast implants can last anywhere from ten to twenty years which is far short of lasting a lifetime. It is often recommended that breast implants be changed every ten to twenty-five years and the decision of when to change them depends on the longevity of the actual implants and the lifestyle and personal preferences of the patient. There might come a time when the person does not want to have the same amount of size and projection to the breasts that they had in the past so they might make the decision to either remove them completely or swap them out for a smaller size. In addition, the body changes as a person gets older along with changes that result from a large amount of weight gain or weight loss. These changes to the body can make the breast implants not match the frame of the body anymore or they might become more obvious in appearance. In these cases, the best decision might be to remove them from the body completely or consult with a surgeon to find a new breast implant size that makes them retain a natural look in the body. If the patient does not want to keep breast implants in their body, a breast lift can be performed to give the breasts a raised and refreshed look along with maintaining a symmetrical look to the breasts.

There are also some people who believe that having a breast augmentation with fat transfer procedure will give the exact same results as breast implant surgery.  The first thing to know is that breast augmentation is performed to alter and enhance the shape or size of the breasts. Breast augmentation is achieved by placing breast implants in the body or by performing fat transfer where excess fat is removed from one area on the body of the patient, via liposuction, and then it is injected into the breast area of the patient. Think about the changes that can be made with breast augmentation by remembering these differences in the two procedures. If the person simply wants to gain a bigger shape or size without the need to have an implant placed in the body, breast augmentation with fat transfer is the best choice although there is a need for liposuction surgery. If the patient does not mind having artificial devices placed in the body, breast implants are the ideal choice for them.

Now that these myths have been explored and exposed, the patient can make a more informed decision when it comes to any of the plastic surgery procedures discussed in this article.

- MA


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