Cosmetic Surgery Diet Tips to Gain the Best Results

Posted February 09, 2021
Diet tips before cosmetic surgery

The decision to have cosmetic surgery such as breast augmentation, liposuction or Brazilian butt lift (BBL) is one that must include the decision to maintain the results after the procedure. Cosmetic surgery is not always covered by health insurance plans because many times these treatments are performed for aesthetic purposes as opposed to medically necessary reasons. Since many patients will need to pay for their procedure out of pocket, they will want to ensure they get long-lasting results by practicing effective cosmetic surgery “before and after care”.  Check out the following diet tips to follow before and after undergoing a cosmetic surgery procedure.

Eating Healthy before and after Cosmetic Surgery

Patients need to be in good health before undergoing a cosmetic surgery procedure. Some cosmetic options involve invasive procedures being performed and the patient must be healthy in order to not have a bad reaction to any anesthesia that is administered prior to the treatment. Eating a healthy diet can help to ensure a successful surgery and a recovery period free of complications. Here are some healthy diet tips to prepare the body for cosmetic surgery:

  1. No Alcohol – The drinking of alcohol should be avoided after a surgical procedure as it can make the blood thinner. This can cause additional bleeding that is hard to stop and have a negative impact on the recovery period. In addition, many patients will need to take antibiotics after surgery and the combination of antibiotics and alcohol at the same time can lessen the effectiveness of the antibiotics. The consumption of alcohol prior to, and after, cosmetic surgery can make the recovery time longer so it is not a good idea to make alcohol a regular part of any daily activities during the cosmetic surgery process.
  2. Cut Back on Junk Food – While it might taste good, fatty junk foods are not the best choice for a person before undergoing cosmetic surgery. They can be very unhealthy, cause some bloating of the stomach and even tax the immune system. Patients should also avoid food that is salty as they can cause issues such as retaining swelling after a procedure. Junk foods can also make a person gain weight which can alter the appearance of the results of a cosmetic procedure as a person gets bigger and adds more bulk to their appearance.
  3. Veggies are good for the Body – Besides being very tasty, vegetables are easy for the body to digest. They also contain a good amount of minerals and vitamins so patients will not need to take additional supplements (that can be rather costly) for their health. It is more cost efficient to get the necessary vitamins and minerals through the consumption of vegetables before a cosmetic surgery procedure. Veggies are recommended to build up the immune system for the surgery as well as help the healing process go smoothly after a cosmetic procedure.
  4. Foods that Boost the Immune System – After a cosmetic surgery is performed, the immune system of the patient can be weaker which makes the person more susceptible to becoming sick. In order to boost the immune system, it is best to add foods to the diet that will make the immune system stronger. Some examples of foods that aid the body in the recovery process include onions, garlic and yogurt.
  5. Drink Lots of Water – Whether or not a person is going to undergo a cosmetic surgery procedure; the habit of drinking at least two bottles of water per day should be a daily task for everyone. Water helps the body to stay hydrated and feel full which cuts down on the desire to consume fatty and salty foods. There are also some foods, such as melons, that are rich in water and they serve as a good snack between meals. Once the surgery is completed, the body will begin the recovery process and this also means that the metabolism of the patient will slow down. Drinking plenty of water after surgery will eliminate any toxins if the patient had anesthesia. In addition, the water will reduce the chances of the patient suffering from muscle fatigue or becoming dizzy. The water will move nutrients through the body and make sure the person remain hydrated even after possible wound drainage.

Ask a Cosmetic Surgeon for Advice

Cosmetic surgery is a big commitment for a patient so they need to know all of the necessary steps to sustain their health before, during and after the procedure. Patients that have any questions should consult with their cosmetic surgeon in advance of the treatment. The doctor will give detailed advice about what to eat after the surgery to make the healing process as easy and smooth as possible. The doctor can share the best foods to eat to boost the immune system along with sharing the types of food that are not favorable for patients and their overall health.

- MA


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