Neck Lift

A neck lift, which is also known as platysmaplasty, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that is performed to remove excess fat and skin located around the jawline.

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What is Neck Lift ?

A neck lift, which is also known as platysmaplasty, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that is performed to remove excess fat and skin located around the jawline. This procedure rejuvenates the appearance of the neck from the angle of the jaw to the chin of the patient. Some of the issues besides excess fat and skin that the surgery addresses include the appearance of wrinkles from the aging process, creases in the neck and the loss of a smooth contour and slender profile. A neck lift provides a neck that is more youthful in appearance as well as one with a better definition. A neck lift can be performed on its own or at the same time as a facelift, liposuction, or a cheek lift. The incision for a neck lift often starts in the hairline and goes downwards, around the ear, and into the posterior hair. The necessary amount of fat is removed or sculpted while the platysma muscle is tightened and the tissue under the neck is repositioned. The surgeon will also remove any excess skin from the treated area.  It is an ideal procedure for patients who feel their neck is old and sagging in appearance.

Medically Reviewed by: Kevin Sadati, MD, FACS

Types of Neck Lift


A cervicoplasty is a neck lift procedure where excess skin and excess fat from the chin and neck area are removed for a rejuvenated and refreshed appearance.


A Platysmaplasty surgery tightens the skin and underlying muscles in order to lift the neck. This improves and sharpens the contour of a persons jawline.

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Everything you need to know about Neck Lifts
Kevin Sadati, MD, FACS - Neck Lift
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Kevin Sadati, MD, FACS - Neck Lift

Neck Lift videos

Am I a Candidate for a Neck Lift ?

Ideal candidates for Neck Lift include:
Patients with poor definition under their jawline
Someone with a double chin
A person with sagging neck skin/a turkey neck
Patients who want to reduce the amount of creases and wrinkles in the neck
Someone with vertical neck bands (platysmal bands) that are thick in appearance

Neck Lift costs

Los Angeles

The cost of neck lift surgery depends on the amount and type of work that needs to be performed by the surgeon, the technique used by the doctor, any additional fees charged by the doctor or the facility and the area of the country where the neck lift is performed.

In general, the cost of a neck lift is:

Neck Lift Procedure Explained

A neck lift is performed to give the patient a more youthful and contoured look to the neck by eliminating excess fat and skin that is present around the jawline. See how some of the most popular neck lift techniques are performed.

Cervicoplasty Steps

It can be preformed with IV sedation or general anesthesia.
The targeted area of the neck will receive a liquid solution that contains a combination of lidocaine and epinephrine to numb the area where the surgery is performed
A z-plasty cut is created on the neck and, even though it looks like the letter “z”, the incision is closed as a straight line that is seamless in appearance
The surgeon removes the designated amount of excess fat and skin but does not tighten the muscles
The incision is closed by the surgeon
Platysmaplasty Steps

The patient is given oral, IV, or general anesthesia in order to remain comfortable
After numbing the neck area with local anesthesia, a small incision is made under the chin so excess fat can be removed, so the platysma muscles/bands are visible.
Platysma Muscle
The platysma muscle fibers (that go from the collarbone to the angle of the jaw) are stretched upwards and sideways
Tighten Muscle
The muscles are then pulled centrally in order to tighten them in areas where it is the weakest (which is normally under the chin)
The two sides of the platysma muscle are brought together to create a singular muscle sheet that is smooth and tight and is no longer drooping or causing the formation of unsightly neck bands

Neck Lift Downtime and Recovery

The amount of downtime and recovery a patient will need after a neck lift depends on the individual person and the neck lift technique performed by the surgeon.

Once the recovery process begins, there will be some swelling and bruising experienced by the patient. Most patients will need at least a week of recovery time at home after the procedure. Some patients will have a bandage placed around the neck and face in order to minimize the amount of swelling and bruising they experience. A thin tube might also be placed in the treated area in order to drain any excess fluid or blood that collects under the skin.

Patients should not place any ice on to the neck as this can compromise the flow of blood to the area and result in skin death. They should also keep their neck straight (no excessive amount of twisting or bending of the neck) and keep their head elevated to minimize the amount of swelling.

After about four weeks, the swelling will start to lessen but it might take up to three months for the swelling to subside.

The amount of downtime and recovery a patient will need after a neck lift depends on the individual person and the neck lift technique performed by the surgeon.

Once the recovery process begins, there will be some swelling and bruising experienced by the patient. Most patients will need at least a week of recovery time at home after the procedure. Some patients will have a bandage placed around the neck and face in order to minimize the amount of swelling and bruising they experience. A thin tube might also be placed in the treated area in order to drain any excess fluid or blood that collects under the skin.

Patients should not place any ice on to the neck as this can compromise the flow of blood to the area and result in skin death. They should also keep their neck straight (no excessive amount of twisting or bending of the neck) and keep their head elevated to minimize the amount of swelling.

After about four weeks, the swelling will start to lessen but it might take up to three months for the swelling to subside.

Neck Lift complications

Hematoma (collection of blood under the skin)


Nerve injury

Blood clot


Seroma (collection of fluid under the skin)

Changes in skin sensation

Tightness in the neck

Skin irregularities

Typical Neck Lift results

There will be some swelling and bruising immediately after the surgery which will obscure the results of the neck lift. Once the inflammation and bruising begin to go away on their own, the results will start to become visible.

The results should be fully visible anywhere from six months to a year after the procedure. The results are long-lasting and can be considered to be semi-permanent. The patient will continue to age which means they will likely experience additional loose and sagging skin at some point in the future.

Typical Neck Lift results

There will be some swelling and bruising immediately after the surgery which will obscure the results of the neck lift. Once the inflammation and bruising begin to go away on their own, the results will start to become visible.

The results should be fully visible anywhere from six months to a year after the procedure. The results are long-lasting and can be considered to be semi-permanent. The patient will continue to age which means they will likely experience additional loose and sagging skin at some point in the future.

Alternatives to Neck Lift


Even though it is considered to be an off-label use, some doctors use Botox injections along the neck and the vertical neck bands to reduce the muscle movement of the neck, so the downward pulling motion of the neck is relaxed.

Dermal Fillers

The injection of fillers will help to restore lost volume to the neck and also reduce the look of wrinkles. The use of fillers is considered to be an off-label use, but some doctors use it to improve the definition of the jaw and promote the growth of collagen to the neck.


For patients that accumulate fat in the upper neck and under the chin, Kybella can improve the contour of the neck. Kybella is an injectable deoxycholic acid that breaks down fat cells and then metabolizes them.

Radiofrequency Devices

Radiofrequency devices, using microneedling, treat the appearance of both loose skin and wrinkles by promoting the production of collagen, hyaluronic acid, and elastin with the radiofrequency energy. Microneedling uses short needles to resurface the skin and enhance the tightening results created by the radiofrequency energy.  


This is an ultrasound treatment that penetrates the skin and makes changes to the neck and chin by stimulating collagen providing a firmer neck through the elimination of subcutaneous fat.


Also known as J-Plasty or Renuvion, is a minimally invasive neck lift technique that tightens the excess neck skin without any large incisions behind the ears. The neck is infiltrated with numbing fluid, excess fat is liposuctioned, a Cold Atmospheric Gas (Plasma) combined with bipolar energy will tighten the neck tissue from deep to superficial layer.

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