Skin Resurfacing

Skin resurfacing uses controlled injury to resurface the outer skin layer for a smoother, more youthful appearance and includes chemical peels, dermabrasion or laser surgery. Chemical peels include light, medium-depth and deep peels. The type of peel depends on the chemical used and how long it is left on the skin. Dermabrasion uses a high-speed rotary wheel to abrade or remove the surface layers of skin. Also, the pressure applied and the length of time it is applied to the skin determines the depth of the treatment. Laser resurfacing, AKA a laser peel, uses concentrated beams of light energy to eliminate damaged skin and cause it to flake off.

Ideal candidates for skin resurfacing include patients with fine lines, wrinkles or sun damage on the skin as well as patients bothered by “crow’s feet” at the corners of the eyes and/or skin laxity below the eyes. In addition, patients with vertical wrinkles around the mouth, acne or chicken pox scars and blotchy, uneven skin tones or brown spots are good candidates for skin resurfacing.

The cost of skin resurfacing varies according to the type of treatment performed, the size of the treatment area, fees charged by the doctor or the facility and how many treatments are needed to achieve the patient’s goals. A light chemical peel is $100-$250 while a medium peel is $400-$700. A deep peel is $700-$1000. Dermabrasion costs around $1500-$3000 and laser resurfacing is in the range of $800-$2500 depending on the type of laser used. 

Skin resurfacing results vary according to the type of procedure and the condition of the skin prior to treatment. Light treatments do not provide the same dramatic results as an aggressive treatment so lighter skin resurfacing may require several sessions to achieve the desired results. It takes time for the skin to heal so it may take 3 to 6 to 12 months for the final results to be visible. Skin resurfacing results are not permanent but can last a long time. As a person ages, they will continue to lose volume and gravity continues to pull down on the skin and create more wrinkles. Touch-up treatments help maintain the effects of skin resurfacing.

Non-Ablative Laser Skin Resurfacing

Non-Ablative Laser Skin Resurfacing

submitted on   Thu Oct, 22, 2015 by Bobby Buka, MD     
Non-ablative laser skin resurfacing uses the heat from laser energy to rejuvenate and improve the texture of the skin without injuring the surface of the skin. This is due to the fact that non-ablative lasers are fractionated which means they deliver heat through thousands of tiny columns while...