Calf Reduction

Calves that have excess fat on them, as well as bulky calves, can make a person feel shy about their appearance. Calf reduction reduces the thickness located in the calves and can be performed surgically or non-surgically. Botox can be injected to reduce the size of the muscle by causing muscle atrophy. Excess fat can be removed through the use of liposuction. Radiofrequency energy can shrink the calf muscle and eliminate nerve function in the calf. In addition, partial muscle removal surgery removes some of the calf muscle in order to reduce its size.

Ideal candidates includes patients looking to have a slimmer look and a better contour to their calves. In addition, patients that have excess fat in the calf area are also ideal candidates. Patients should schedule a consultation with a board-certified surgeon to make sure they are an ideal candidate and that the calves will not be impacted negatively by the procedure.

The cost of calf reduction surgery depends on the technique used, the amount of work that needs to be performed, the skill level of the surgeon and the area of the country where it is performed. In general, the cost is in the range of $2000-$9000.

Patients can expect some swelling, redness and bruising in the calf area after the treatment. In general, the results can be seen anywhere from two weeks after the treatment (Botox) to 3-4 months if the calf reduction is performed surgically. The length of the results depends on the type of treatment and can last anywhere from 3-6 months if Botox is injected to a lifetime of surgical results.

Ankle/Calf Liposuction

Ankle/Calf Liposuction

submitted on   Wed Dec, 02, 2015 by Stewart Wang, MD     
An ankle/calf liposuction is a shaping and contouring procedure of the ankle and calf region. It is performed by removing the excessive surrounding fat underneath the skin via...