Mini Facelift - How it Gives Big Results

Posted March 29, 2021
Mini Facelifts for good results

Patients that want to turn back the clock and gain a more youthful look to the face often turn to a facelift to get the desired results. A facelift is an invasive surgical procedure that requires incisions to be created by a surgeon in order to pull and tighten skin that is sagging. If a person has less excess skin to remove, the doctor might be able to achieve a youthful look and improved contour to the face by performing a mini facelift with involves fewer incisions.

Mini Facelift Explained

In general, a mini facelift is a surgery that addresses sagging skin and tightens its appearance on the lower third of the face. The removal of excess and sagging skin also reduces the appearance of lines and wrinkles on the face.

The performance of a mini facelift starts with the patient receiving anesthesia from the medical team. The doctor will then create an incision that goes from the bottom of the earlobe to the hairline. The incision will then move behind the ear. The underlying tissues in the skin are lifted and pulled upwards and outward (in the direction towards the ears). After the skin and the SMAS (superficial muscular aponeurotic system) are in the desired position, the surgeon will suture them into place as well as trim and remove any excess tissue that is causing a sagging look to the skin.

Mini Facelift Risks

Patients can expect to see some swelling, numbness and bruising for several days after the surgery. In addition, they might experience severe pain along with some bleeding from the areas where the stitches are placed.

Mini Facelift Recovery Process and Final Results

Once the surgery has been performed, the patient will have dressings placed over the treated area. The stitches will need to remain in place for around 10 days before they are removed by the doctor.

There is also a possibility that drains will be put in place to help get rid of any excess fluid that is present after the surgery.

Even after the stitches are removed, there will still be some bruising and swelling that is present in the area where the mini facelift was performed. Anyone that had a mini facelift should avoid strenuous activities until advised otherwise by the doctor.

The final results of a mini facelift can last anywhere from three to five years.

Mini Facelift and Nonsurgical Procedures – See the Choices

Even though a mini facelift does not require as many incisions as a traditional/full facelift, it is still an invasive medical procedure. Because of its invasive nature, patients might want to explore other options in order to avoid the chance of scarring or bleeding after the procedure.

Depending on the desired goals of the patient, a nonsurgical facial rejuvenation procedure might be a better choice. A person that is looking to add volume, contour and texture to the face might want a nonsurgical treatment. A person that is more concerned with excess skin and tissue that causes the face to have a saggy appearance might want to have a mini facelift.

Here are some of the most popular nonsurgical facial rejuvenation and contouring options available to the public as well as the changes they make to the appearance of the face:

  • Botox reduces the look of wrinkles and fine lines in targeted areas of the face. Botox is injected into a muscle located near a wrinkle so neuromuscular blockers can limit the amount of muscle contractions in the area where the injection is placed. The muscle is able to relax and the skin gains a smoother look while also reducing the amount of wrinkles and fine lines.
  • Fillers restore volume in the face and lips that is lost as a person ages. In addition, fillers reduce the amount of lines on the face.
  • Laser skin resurfacing reduces the appearance of skin blemishes, wrinkles and acne scars. Short beams of light, that are pulsating, are directed at the targeted area of the skin. The pulsating beams of light rejuvenate the skin using either an erbium laser or a carbon dioxide (CO2) laser.
  • Microdermabrasion places a spray of microcrystals on the area of the face being treated. The microcrystals are cleaned off the skin and the skin is abraded to remove older, dead skin. The new skin that is under the surface will emerge and give the skin a look that is more youthful in appearance. Microdermabrasion also encourages the production of elastin and collagen in the new skin cells.

Mini Facelift – How to Get Started

The first step in the min facelift process is finding the right doctor to provide the desired changes to the skin on the face. After proper research is conducted, the patient needs to schedule a consultation appointment with the doctor of choice. The surgeon will examine the current condition of the skin of the patient in order to determine the ideal treatment to rejuvenate the area. Once the doctor and the patient are in agreement about the results that can be achieved, the mini facelift can be scheduled and performed.

- MA


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