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A facelift, which is also known as rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure that is performed to refresh the appearance of the face and create a younger look.

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What is Facelift ?

A facelift, which is also known as rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure that is performed to refresh the appearance of the face and create a younger look. The procedure can be performed to reduce the amount of sagging skin that is present on the cheeks and jawline by tightening the skin and also give a more rejuvenated look to the face. Many patients want to have a facelift to try and turn back the clock and lessen the signs of aging that are apparent on the face (such as wrinkles). The main type of facelift that will be discussed below is the traditional full facelift but there are other types of facelifts that plastic surgeons can perform on patients. The other variations of facelifts include a mid-facelift, a lower facelift and a mini facelift.

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Am I a Candidate for a Facelift ?

Ideal candidates for Facelift include:
Men and women with enough skin laxity in the prominent facial folds, neck and jowls
Someone with loose skin on the face and neck
A patient in their 40s and 50s (although a person wanting a facelift can be younger or older if deemed an ideal candidate by a surgeon)
Patients with a good bone structure that supplies the necessary support to the skin
Patients that are in overall good health
Someone with realistic expectations about the changes that can be made to their appearance with a facelift

Facelift costs

Los Angeles

The total cost of a facelift depends on the amount of work that needs to be done to achieve the desired changes, the type of facelift performed by the surgeon, the area of the country where it is performed and any fees charged by the doctor or the facility. The cost of a facelift is usually not covered by insurance since it is not considered to be a medically necessary procedure.

Facelift Procedure Explained

Facelift Downtime and Recovery

The amount of downtime and recovery after a facelift depends on the healing ability of the individual patient and the amount of changes made to the face. Most patients will feel some tightness or discomfort but not a lot of pain. They need to plan for about a week of downtime by avoiding strenuous activities and getting plenty of rest.  

Patients can resume many of their regular activities a few weeks after the surgery. They should plan to wear a hat and sunscreen if they have to be outside for any length of time. Any bruising, swelling and numbness will last for a week or two. The removal of any sutures will happen anywhere between the first and third week after the surgery.

At weeks three and four, they will still have some residual tightness and swelling but they can start to exercise again and return to work (while also starting to see improvements in the contour of their face).

The final results should be visible anywhere from three to six months after the procedure.

Many patients will be able to return to work after two weeks but they won’t be fully healed for anywhere from six to eight weeks.

The amount of downtime and recovery after a facelift depends on the healing ability of the individual patient and the amount of changes made to the face. Most patients will feel some tightness or discomfort but not a lot of pain. They need to plan for about a week of downtime by avoiding strenuous activities and getting plenty of rest.  

Patients can resume many of their regular activities a few weeks after the surgery. They should plan to wear a hat and sunscreen if they have to be outside for any length of time. Any bruising, swelling and numbness will last for a week or two. The removal of any sutures will happen anywhere between the first and third week after the surgery.

At weeks three and four, they will still have some residual tightness and swelling but they can start to exercise again and return to work (while also starting to see improvements in the contour of their face).

The final results should be visible anywhere from three to six months after the procedure.

Many patients will be able to return to work after two weeks but they won’t be fully healed for anywhere from six to eight weeks.

Facelift complications


Facial nerve injury




Changes in skin sensation


Fluid accumulation


Irregularity or discoloration to the skin

Typical Facelift results

The results of a facelift can start to become visible once most of the bruising and swelling has dissipated. Any scarring is usually hidden in the hairline or in the creases of the skin (in areas such as the chin). A traditional facelift can provide results that last for 10-20 years. However, the face will continue to age and gravity can continue to have an impact on the skin and often cause it to sag.

Typical Facelift results

The results of a facelift can start to become visible once most of the bruising and swelling has dissipated. Any scarring is usually hidden in the hairline or in the creases of the skin (in areas such as the chin). A traditional facelift can provide results that last for 10-20 years. However, the face will continue to age and gravity can continue to have an impact on the skin and often cause it to sag.

Alternatives to Facelift

Lower Facelift

 This is a facelift technique that only address issues on the bottom third of the face. It is an ideal treatment for patients that want to address any sagging they have in the corners of their mouth, reduce the appearance of deep nasolabial folds, enhance the appearance of the jaw and eliminate jowls that are visible to others. The incision for this facelift technique runs along the ears and hairline of the patient.


 This facelift technique address aging issues that are present around the cheeks and below the eyes. Even though the incision is similar to the one created during a full facelift, the surgeon has to do a deeper dissection of the tissues in order to lift the muscles. Many patients also have fat grafting performed at the same time in order to gain a better definition to the cheekbones.

Mini Facelift

 A mini facelift is performed using shorter incisions, made along the hairline and behind the ears, so it involves less recovery time on the part of the patient. It addresses aging issues that appear on the lower jaw, cheeks and neck. Excess fat and skin are removed and the muscles in the targeted area are lifted into a better position.

Facelift Questions & Answers By Expert Doctors

Facelift Q&A By Expert Doctors

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The next step in the facelift process is locating a surgeon in your area that is experienced in providing long-lasting results that are natural in appearance. In order to help you find the best cosmetic doctor for your facelift procedure of choice, please use our “Find a Doctor” search page.

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