Am I a Candidate for Neck Lift?

Posted May 02, 2017

A neck lift, also known as a platysmaplasty, is performed to lift sagging skin in the neck and replace any lost volume in the neck area. Some signs of aging that can be addressed by a neck lift include loose skin on the neck, excessive amounts of fatty deposits and muscle banding in the neck that creates abnormal contours.

These conditions can be caused by a number of factors including gravity, genetics and stress. Some patients don’t want to have a full facelift because they are still happy with the appearance of their facial features. However, they might have a large amount of wrinkles around the neck, a double chin or jowl lines they want to have addressed so they choose to do a neck lift only.

Good Reasons for Neck Lift

  1. If the jawline is not as prominent or distinct looking as in the past
  2. To remove a turkey wattle or a double chin
  3. Looking to achieve a more youthful profile
  4. To eliminate excess wrinkles and skin on the neck
  5. Hoping to get rid of folds and lines in the neck area

Bad Candidates for Neck Lift

  1. Patients with unrealistic expectations
  2. Someone who is not in overall good physical health
  3. A person having the surgery to make someone else happy
  4. Patients with medical issues that can impair healing

Cost Expectations

The average cost of a neck lift can be anywhere from $6000-$8000. The price varies depending on a number of factors including fees charged by the surgeon, surgical facility fees, anesthesia fees and the geographic area where the surgery is performed. The price can be higher if the neck lift is combined with another procedure such as liposuction to remove excess fat in the area or a cervicoplasty to remove excess skin in the neck area.

Choosing the Type of Neck Lift Surgery

A neck lift can be performed by a variety of techniques besides the traditional way of lifting sagging skin described at the start of this article. They include:

  • Open Neck Lift – This technique is performed under general anesthesia and involves the surgeon making an opening on the skin in order to better view the anatomic structure of the neck in order to make any changes. An open neck lift changes and improves the contour of the neck and allows the surgeon to view both the deep and superficial structures while fixing them.
  • Trampoline Neck Lift – A minimally invasive procedure that serves to tighten, smooth and lift a loose neck line. It is especially effective under the jaw. A threading rod is passed through small holes made by the doctor along the jawline in the upper neck portion. The threading rod is pulled through and then threaded under the skin in a back and forth pattern before being tightened up.
  • Mini Neck Lift – A good option for patients with limited visible aging in the neck. An incision is made under the chin in order to address the excessive neck muscle and skin. It also helps to eliminate the appearance of a “turkey wattle” on a patient.
  • Submental Neck Lift – A technique that tightens the platysma muscles as well as the bands of the central part of the neck. This version of a neck lift improves the appearance of loose skin and excess fat by making an incision under the chin and tightening the platysma muscles.

Risks and Complications

Patients need to be aware of potential risks and complications before undergoing a neck lift. Some of the common risks and complications include:

  1. Hematoma (a collection of blood under the skin)
  2. Swelling and bruising
  3. Seroma (a collection of fluid under the skin)
  4. Neck tightness
  5. Numbness
  6. Lumpy or irregular skin

Recovery Information

After the surgery, patients will need someone to stay with them as moving around will be difficult. Prescription pain medication can be used to help with any pain or discomfort. Patients should not wear clothing that needs to be pulled over the head as that could have a negative impact on the healing process. It will be a few weeks before patients can resume any strenuous activities such as sports or heavy lifting.

Neck Lift Results

The final results from a neck lift should be visible around 6 months after the surgery. There should not be very much scarring post-surgery. In general, the results from a neck lift should last between 5 and 10 years.



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