
Microdermabrasion is a cosmetic treatment that essentially amounts to gentle sanding of the skin to remove the outer layer of the dermis and any imperfections it contains.

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What is Microdermabrasion ?

Microdermabrasion is a cosmetic treatment that essentially amounts to gentle sanding of the skin to remove the outer layer of the dermis and any imperfections it contains. It can help improve the texture and appearance of the skin as it removes wrinkles, pimples, melasma, and other annoying defects. Microdermabrasion produces bright, healthy skin that an individual can proudly display. Consecutive treatments can result in progressive improvements, a more appealing look, and increased self-esteem. Individuals of virtually any age can benefit from microdermabrasion treatments.

Am I a Candidate for a Microdermabrasion ?

Ideal candidates for Microdermabrasion include:
Any adult with fine lines or wrinkles
A person with age spots
An individual who wants to get rid of sun damage
A person who wants a more uniform skin color
Someone who has dry or flaky skin
An individual who wants smooth, supple skin

Microdermabrasion costs


The cost of microdermabrasion treatment depends on how much area is being addressed, which type of microdermabrasion is being performed, whether the procedure is being done, any additional modalities, if the treatment is occurring and any charges of the technician.

Microdermabrasion Procedure Explained

Microdermabrasion Downtime and Recovery

Redness and swelling are likely to occur for a day or two after treatment. Moisturizers and sunscreen should be applied to the skin regularly to prevent irritation and promote healing. The skin may be sensitive for a few days until healing occurs. Flaking of the skin and bruising may ensue but should resolve quickly.


Redness and swelling are likely to occur for a day or two after treatment. Moisturizers and sunscreen should be applied to the skin regularly to prevent irritation and promote healing. The skin may be sensitive for a few days until healing occurs. Flaking of the skin and bruising may ensue but should resolve quickly.


Microdermabrasion complications


Eye irritation

Acne breakout

Injury to skin

Irregular skin color




Typical Microdermabrasion results

Clear, toned skin will be noticed almost immediately. Pores will be clean and minimized, giving the skin a bright, even glow. Microdermabrasion treatment will produce youthful, healthy skin that can lift the mood and self-esteem. Successive treatments combined with new collagen formation will foster continuous improvement to the skin.


Typical Microdermabrasion results

Clear, toned skin will be noticed almost immediately. Pores will be clean and minimized, giving the skin a bright, even glow. Microdermabrasion treatment will produce youthful, healthy skin that can lift the mood and self-esteem. Successive treatments combined with new collagen formation will foster continuous improvement to the skin.


Alternatives to Microdermabrasion


Vibraderm is a cosmetic procedure that uses a hand-held device to remove the upper layers of the skin. This process eliminates wrinkles, scars, and other undesirable flaws in the skin. Vibraderm exfoliates the epidermis and provides the best results for early aging signs. Treatments only take about 20 minutes to complete, and individuals having the therapy can resume normal activities as soon as the treatment is finished. Mild redness may be present for up to an hour after the procedure. Vibraderm can be combined with other procedures to improve results.


Sapphire 3 Photo Abrasion 

Sapphire 3 Photo Abrasion is a beautification process that blends a variety of treatments to improve the appearance and condition of the skin. Dramatic improvements are produced with treatment, including clear, well-hydrated skin with fewer fine lines and scars. Toned dermal tissue with enriched elasticity is another benefit of Sapphire 3 Photo Abrasion treatment. Sessions take less than 45 minutes, and there is no downtime associated with the procedure.



Carboxytherapy is a quick, non-invasive treatment that uses carbon dioxide to repair and freshen the dermis. This procedure helps increase blood flow and bolster the skin’s elasticity. Carboxytherapy also helps to eliminate wrinkles, scars, and imperfections. Another benefit includes the elimination of cellulite and pockets of fat. Treatments only take about 15-30 minutes, and the effects last up to six months. The superficial nature of the treatments eliminates any downtime involved with surgical procedures.  

Microdermabrasion news

Find more Microdermabrasion doctors near you

The first step in the microdermabrasion process is finding a doctor experienced in performing this procedure. To find the best cosmetic doctor for microdermabrasion, patients should use our “Find a Doctor” search page to locate a doctor based on their geographic location.

Microdermabrasion doctors near you