Ear Reduction

Ear reduction surgery, AKA macrotia surgery, treats ears considered to be large or oversized by a patient. These patients are concerned about the size and shape of their ears instead of the fact that the ears protrude from the side of the head. Ear reduction surgery is a form of otoplasty and gives patients a more natural look. The doctor performs a crescent shaped resection of the skin and removes the desired amount of cartilage and skin from the ears. The doctor reshapes the ear in order to create a smaller and more natural-looking size to the ear. Ear reduction surgery also provides symmetry and balance to the face and ears and increases the self-image and confidence of the patient.

Ideal candidates are patients that feel their ears are too large and often hide them by wearing their hair long or covering the ears with a cap. In addition, children that are teased by their peers because of the size of their ears or adults who have suffered a lifetime of self-confidence and self-image issues are good candidates for ear reduction surgery. In addition, patients who were born with severe ear defects that cause them to be misshapen or overly prominent are ideal candidates.

The average cost of ear reduction is anywhere from $3500-$7500. It should be noted that this price can vary depending on the amount of cartilage and skin that needs to be removed, any anesthesia fees for the surgery and fees charged by the doctor or the facility. The geographic location of the procedure can also impact the cost.

Patients will experience some swelling and bruising after the surgery. It takes two to four weeks for some of the results to be visible but the final results can take six months to a year before they are finalized. Unless the patient suffers some form of trauma to the ears, the results should last a lifetime.

Ear Reduction

Ear Reduction

submitted on   Wed Mar, 16, 2016 by Jennifer Keagle, MD     
Ear reduction, also known as otoplasty or ear pinning, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that changes the shape, size or position of the ears. It is performed on the external part of the ear because the ears can sometimes project too far off of the skull or they are missing the antihelix which is...