
Dental veneers are thin porcelain or resin shells that are placed over the teeth to give them a more aesthetic appearance. 

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What is Veneers ?

Dental veneers are thin porcelain or resin shells that are placed over the teeth to give them a more aesthetic appearance.  Veneers are permanently affixed to teeth that are chipped or discolored.  They are commonly used to cover teeth stained by foods and other substances and are resistant to stains.  Veneers can also be used to fill gaps between teeth.  They can be matched to the natural color of the teeth and last up to 15 years.  Veneers may be used to alter the size or shape of the teeth as well.  They can be utilized to conceal crooked teeth which results in an improved smile and increased confidence.  The process of completing veneer application on the teeth can typically be done in approximately two weeks.

Veneers videos

Cosmetic Dentistry - Enhancing Your Smile With Veneers
Marianna Knop, DDS - Other Teeth Procedures
Cosmetic Dentistry - Enhancing Your Smile With Veneers
Greg Gelfand, DDS - Cosmetic Dentistry
Vampire Smile Veneers
Nader Yermian, DDS - Veneers

Veneers videos

Am I a Candidate for a Veneers ?

Ideal candidates for Veneers include:
A person with intact enamel on the teeth
A patient who is committed to healthy oral hygiene habits
Anyone with chipped teeth
A person who has tooth discoloration
Someone looking to improve their appearance
An individual who wants to straighten crooked teeth or eliminate gaps between teeth
Someone who wants a beautiful smile

Veneers costs

Los Angeles

The overall cost of dental veneers depends on several factors such as the type of veneer, the number of teeth being covered, the locale of the procedure, and the fees charged by the individual practitioners.  Porcelain veneers cost more than resin veneers since they require a more intensive process and last longer.  Additional fees may be incurred through procedures such as consultations, x-rays, and the condition of the teeth. 

Veneers Procedure Explained

Veneers Downtime and Recovery

Patients can resume normal activities immediately after receiving dental veneers.  While most patients don’t experience any serious side-effects, some may have a slight soreness of the gums or sensitivity of the teeth.  If sedation was administered, grogginess or short-term numbness of the oral area may be experienced.

Patients can resume normal activities immediately after receiving dental veneers.  While most patients don’t experience any serious side-effects, some may have a slight soreness of the gums or sensitivity of the teeth.  If sedation was administered, grogginess or short-term numbness of the oral area may be experienced.

Veneers complications

Breakage or cracking of veneers


Tooth staining


Shrinkage of gums

Sensitivity of the teeth

Loosening or a loss of veneer

Typical Veneers results

Dental veneers enhance the physical appearance of the teeth through the elimination of chips, cracks, and discoloration.  Veneers also facilitate an improved ability to chew and speak.  They provide an attractive smile that can boost the self-confidence of the patient.

Typical Veneers results

Dental veneers enhance the physical appearance of the teeth through the elimination of chips, cracks, and discoloration.  Veneers also facilitate an improved ability to chew and speak.  They provide an attractive smile that can boost the self-confidence of the patient.

Alternatives to Veneers

Dental Bonding

Dental bonding, or tooth bonding, is used to repair damaged or discolored teeth.  The dentist will apply a color-matched putty to the tooth and mold it for an optimal natural appearance.  The putty will harden, and the dentist will smooth and polish the putty.  The procedure takes less than an hour and lasts up to eight years. 


Braces are tools designed to gradually straighten the teeth over a prolonged period of time.  They are used to properly align the teeth and jaws to promote an even bite and attractive smile.  Patients have frequent dental visits so the dentist can adjust as necessary.  The entire process takes between one and three years.


 Invisalign is an alternative to traditional braces.  A series of clear plastic trays are created for the patient to use in succession over a period of approximately a year.  The aligners are removable and are changed roughly every two weeks.  The dentist checks the progress of the teeth every few weeks or every month.    

Teeth Whitening  

During teeth whitening, the dentist will apply a gel to the tooth.  The gel will be left on the tooth for 30 to 60 minutes.  Heat and/or a special light may be used to speed up the whitening process.  The procedure usually takes around two hours.


Crowns are used to hide damaged or discolored teeth.  They can hide cracked teeth or restore the size of teeth that have been worn down.  Crowns come in a range of colors from natural to gold or silver.  They are held in place by cement and the results are permanent.

Veneers news

Find more Veneers doctors near you

The first step in the dental veneer process is finding a doctor that is experienced in performing dental veneer procedures. In order to find the best cosmetic doctor for dental veneers, patients should use our “Find a Doctor” search page to locate a doctor based on their geographic location.

Veneers doctors near you