Discover the Best Lip Augmentation Doctors in San Francisco

Posted October 19, 2018
Discover the Best Lip Augmentation Doctors in San Francisco

As a person starts to get older, there are certain areas of the body that begin to lose volume and look thinner as a person ages. The lips are one area of the body that is often lacking in volume thanks to the aging process. If you are unhappy with the current appearance of your lips and want to make a change in their appearance, Cosmetic Town is here to help you find a doctor that will give the look to your lips that you desire as well as a more youthful look.

Thanks to research conducted using the Cosmetic Town Intelligent System, here is the 2018 list of the “Best Lip Augmentation Doctors in San Francisco”:

Interested in learning more about the information and methods used by our research staff to determine the above list of doctors? If so, follow the link to learn more about the criteria used by our staff to choose the top doctors spotlighted in this article:

Cosmetic Town makes it Easy to Find the Best Doctors in San Francisco

How is San Francisco Lip Augmentation Performed?

When it comes to augmenting, enhancing and adding volume to the lips, there are a variety of techniques that can be performed. Some of the most popular methods include:

  • Fat Transfer – Lip augmentation via fat transfer is performed by using fat that is taken from the body of the patient having the procedure. The amount of fat removed depends on the desired final results of the patient. Fat is removed form one area of the body and then purified before being injected into the lips of the patient. There is a little chance of the fat being rejected since it comes from the body of the patient having the injection. The fat is normally removed from areas of the body such as the abdomen or thighs.
  • Lip Fillers – Lip fillers can be injected into the lips in order to give them a full look that is plump and youthful. Patients have many options to choose from and one of the most popular methods is hyaluronic acid fillers. They are made from a substance that is naturally found in the human body. The hyaluronic acid binds with water molecules after it is injected into the lips. The injection of the hyaluronic acid provides more volume and an appearance that is plump. There are also collagen-based fillers that include bovine-derived fillers created after being extracted from the tissue of cows. There is a chance that patients can be allergic to these fillers so they should undergo an allergy test before receiving any injections. Finally, human-derived collagen fillers are created from excess skin that is harvested from cadavers or during surgery. There is no need for an allergy test since the collagen comes from humans.
  • Lip Implants – Unlike lip fillers which provide temporary results, lip implants provide permanent lip augmentation and increased definition to the lips of the patient. A series of incisions are made in the section of the lips located at the corners of the mouth. Once the incisions are made, a thin tunnel is created by the surgeon so the lip implant can easily be inserted and threaded through the lips. After the implant is put in the proper place in the lips, the implant is trimmed to the length desired by the patient and the incisions are closed. Some of the more popular lap implant options include Gore-Tex® lip implants, AlloDerm® lip implants and SoftForm lip implants. An upper lip lift can also be performed as an incision is made at the base of the nose. Excess skin is removed before the surgeon lifts and shortens the upper lift.

Patients Travel to San Francisco from all Over the World

The long-lasting and natural results provided by lip augmentation are given to patients by dozens of doctors in the San Francisco area. San Francisco is well-known for the large number of board-certified doctors experienced in providing superior results that help patients be satisfied with the final appearance of their lip enhancement procedure. Patients looking to undergo lip augmentation should schedule a consultation appointment to determine if they are ideal candidates for a lip augmentation procedure.



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