Buttock Augmentation Procedure Details

Posted May 07, 2019
The details of how doctors perform buttock augmentation

Buttock augmentation has grown in popularity over the last decade as more people seek out cosmetic surgery methods that will enhance and augment the appearance of the buttocks. The desire to have a larger backside has come about thanks to celebrities being more open about showing off their results from buttock augmentation procedures whether they are on a red carpet, on a beach or performing in front of thousands of people. When it comes to undergoing a buttock augmentation procedure, there are multiple choices for patients and the method chosen by the person depends on the amount of buttock augmentation they want to achieve with the desired final results.

Butt Augmentation Procedure Choices

Patients that have lost volume in their buttocks as they have gotten older are ideal candidates for buttock augmentation. In addition, people that have a backside that is naturally smaller are also good candidates. When it is time for a patient to undergo butt augmentation, here are their most common choices:

  • Butt lift – A buttock augmentation technique that is performed in order to enhance and augment the look of a buttock area that is considered to be droopy or saggy. The cosmetic surgeon makes an incision in the upper curve of the buttocks which is the area that runs along the bikini line. The doctor will remove any excess tissue before performing liposuction to remove excess fat to sculpt the buttocks.
  • Fat grafting – Fat grafting, when it comes to buttock augmentation, is also known as a Brazilian butt lift (BBL).  Fat grafting begins with the doctor making tiny incisions in the designated area on the body so liposuction can be performed to remove excess fat. The fat that is removed is processed and purified before the fat is injected back into the buttocks. The injected fat is then sculpted by the surgeon so the final results will be symmetrical and natural in appearance.
  • Butt implants – Butt implants are placed in the buttocks once the surgeon makes incisions along the natural curves of the butt which is the section of the body where the cheeks meet at the top portion of the thighs. The surgeon creates a pocket that is located under, or near, each of the gluteal muscles. Once the pocket is created, silicone implants are placed in the pockets and the incisions are closed with sutures.
  • Non-invasive butt lift – There are a couple of options for patients that want to undergo non-invasive butt lift. Ulthera is when an ultrasound gel is placed on the targeted area. The Ulthera device is placed against the skin to make it easier for the ultrasound energy to be delivered to the area targeted for the butt lift. Sculptra is when filler is directly injected into the designated area to produce the desired results.
  • Thighplasty – This procedure is also known as thigh lift surgery and is performed to give patients tightness as well as a greater contour to the thighs. The results are thighs that are not saggy in appearance along with a better overall definition. Excess skin and tissue are removed to get rid of the saggy thigh appearance. Liposuction can also be performed to get rid of excess fat on the thighs.

The final results of the above buttock augmentation procedures is a backside that is rejuvenated in appearance and more youthful looking thanks to the greater contour of the booty through the elimination of excess fat, tissue and skin.

Consult with a Board-Certified Buttock Augmentation Doctor

The first step in the buttock augmentation process is scheduling a consultation appointment with a board-certified doctor that is experienced in performing butt augmentation. The doctor will meet with the patient to discuss the desired final results as well as the reasons behind the desire to have buttock augmentation. It is important to determine if the patient is undergoing buttock augmentation because of a personal desire to have a greater contour to the backside as opposed to undergoing the cosmetic surgery procedure to make someone else happy. Buttock augmentation, along with other cosmetic procedures, is a personal decision that should not be entered into lightly by a patient.

The doctor will also perform a thorough physical examination of the patient to make sure the person is in good health and is an ideal candidate for buttock augmentation. Once the person is determined to be a good candidate, the cosmetic surgeon will discuss the various options available to the patient when it comes to buttock augmentation. Some patients might want to undergo a surgical procedure such as BBL or a butt lift. Other patients might want to achieve butt augmentation without having invasive surgery so they might be a better candidate for a non-invasive procedure like Ulthera.  Once the doctor examines the patient and discusses the desired final results, the final decision can be made regarding the best buttock augmentation choice to perform in order to provide the desired augmentation and enhancement to the backside of the patient.



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