Can I take hair from somewhere else on my body for a hair transplant?

While I am lacking hair on the top of my head, I am a 33 year old male with a good amount of hair on my chest, back and legs. Is the hair that is transplanted from one part of the scalp to the balding area of the same quality as the hair from other parts of the body? Does it look natural once it is transplanted to the scalp? Is there any reason other body hair can’t be used?

2 Expert Answers

Can I take hair from somewhere else on my body for a hair transplant?

Body hair, except for beard hair, has a very short growth cycle of about 4-8 months. The hair character of body hair is generally very fine so it does not add great hair bulk when transplanted. Because of the long telogen cycle, if you transplant 10 chest hairs into the scalp, only 6 will grow at any one time. With poor quality and less effective yield, that is not a good deal. Beard hair is like scalp hair and keeps growing. It is generally curly and not a good choice for the frontal hairline.

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Parsa Mohebi, MD
Beverly Hills, CA

Body hair could be used for transplanting to scalp

Body hair could be successfully used to restore scalp balding. However, due to the limitations such as its size and shorter growth phase, it is not the first choice when it comes to transplantation. We always prioritize scalp hair and then facial hair for scalp balding. If those are not available, body hair could be used. Not everyone is a candidate for body to scalp hair transplant and you need to be evaluated by a hair transplant surgeon first.