Pearl Fractional Laser

Pearl fractional laser improves imperfections on the face that occur due to aging, sun damage or scars. The procedure provides a brighter and smoother complexion. A laser is used to create tiny holes deep in the skin in order to stimulate the growth of collagen and produce healthy looking skin. The laser plumps the skin from below in order to repair damage from the sun and other skin imperfections.

Ideal candidates are patients with a skin tone that is light or medium in color. In addition, patients that have scarring from acne and skin that has been damaged by the sun are also good candidates. Patients that have darker skin tone are not considered good candidates for the treatment.

The cost of Pearl factional laser runs anywhere from $750-$2000. The final cost depends on the number of treatments performed, the condition of the skin before the treatment, fees charged by the doctor or the facility and the area of the country where it is performed.

The results start to be visible a week after the treatment. The results continue to improve for 2-3 months. In general, the final results last anywhere from 1-3 years before a follow-up treatment is needed.



submitted on   Thu Jul, 09, 2015 by Alexander Ovchinsky, MD     
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