Lingual Braces

Lingual braces are braces that are placed on the backside of the teeth where the tongue lies. They are hidden from the view of others. The braces are designed by the dentist and then sent to a laboratory to be created. Once the braces are manufactured, they are sent back to the dentist and bonded onto the inner teeth of the patient. An arch wire is attached to them in order to produce enough tension to pull the teeth into the desired final position. Depending on the severity of the dental issues, the patient will need to wear them anywhere from six months to two years.

Good candidates include people that don’t want others to know they are wearing braces or doesn’t want to take a tray in and out of their mouth on a daily basis.  A person with gum disease or other dental issues is not a good candidate until any lingering issues are addressed in the mouth.

The cost of lingual braces is anywhere from $7000-$10,000 for the complete treatment. The cost can vary if the braces are damaged and need to be repaired. The cost also depends on fees charged by the dentist and the area of the country where it is performed.

There is little to no downtime after getting the braces placed in the mouth. It can take six months to a year for the final results to be achieved. Once they are removed, the final results are visible to others. The results should be permanent as long as the patient performs proper oral hygiene.

Lingual Braces

Lingual Braces

submitted on   Thu May, 05, 2016 by Mahtab Partovi, MD     
Lingual braces are an “invisible braces” treatment where the braces are placed on the lingual side of the teeth. The lingual side is the backside of the teeth where the tongue lies. They look like conventional dental braces but, by being placed on the backside of the teeth, they are hidden from...