
DermaWand makes use of a radiofrequency device designed to rejuvenate the skin. A hydrating moisturizer is applied gently on the face. After the face has been fully moisturized, the DermaWand device is turned on and gently swept across the surface of the skin in a circular motion. DermaWand delivers a gentle microcurrent at 168,000 cycles per second to produce a massage effect which improves circulation and brings fresh blood, oxygen and nutrients to the surface of the skin.

Ideal candidates are looking to improve their skin texture, tightness and tone and treat fine lines or wrinkles. The best candidates understand all that the procedure entails and have realistic expectations regarding the outcome. Patients who are pregnant, have a pacemaker, a history of facial scarring, skin infections, heart disease or diabetes are not ideal candidates for the procedure.

The typical cost for DermaWand ranges from $150-$300.The final cost depends on the surgeon’s level of expertise, the geographic location of the procedure and if other procedures are performed at the same time.

The procedure rejuvenates the skin to give a radiant, fresh, clean and youthful look. The skin may be red, tender and slightly swollen shortly after the procedure and there could also be slight tingling. The results should be visible within the first week. Patients should avoid excessive exposure to sunlight and should wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher. For long lasting results, patients need to maintain an ongoing treatment plan.

Halo Hybrid Fractional Laser

Halo Hybrid Fractional Laser

submitted on   Wed Jun, 15, 2016 by Aric Aghayan, MD     
Halo hybrid fractional laser is a skin laser that delivers ablative and non-ablative wavelengths of laser energy at the same time. Ablative lasers, like CO2 and Erbium, vaporize the outer skin layers to effectively resurface and rejuvenate the skin. Non-ablative technologies like Fraxel laser...