Ultherapy is a non-surgical ultrasound treatment that counters the effects of gravity on the skin.The procedure begins with the identification of the specific areas to be treated. The ultrasound gel is then applied to the skin and a smooth treatment applicator will be placed against the skin. Ultherapy’s ultrasound imaging sees deep within the skin to determine the optimal placement of the treatment energy and then the focused ultrasound energy will be delivered beneath the skin’s surface. The patient will feel tiny amounts of energy being deposited to precise depths which indicates that the collagen-building process has been initiated.

Ideal candidates are healthy individuals with mild to moderate skin laxity, a lowered brow, loose skin on the neck, sagging under the chin and lines or wrinkles on the chest. Patients that have medical conditions that can impair the healing process or skin that is excessively sun-damaged or sagging are not good candidates.

The typical cost of Ultherapy ranges from $2000-$6000.The final cost depends on hospital or surgical fees, the surgeon’s level of expertise, the geographic location of the procedure and if other procedures are performed at the same time.

The procedure tightens loose skin on the face, neck and chest. There could be some slight swelling, redness, tingling and tenderness of the skin shortly after the procedure that will resolve within a few hours. The results of the procedure become evident in 2-3 months as the body naturally regenerates collagen. The procedure produces new collagen but the patient's natural aging process determines how long the results last. Occasional touch-up treatments can help the patient keep pace with the aging process. Patients treated with Ultherapy still have fresh, young collagen a year after the procedure.



submitted on   Thu Jul, 09, 2015 by Alexander Ovchinsky, MD     
Ultherapy is an ultrasound-based skin tightening treatment that utilizes ultrasound energy to help tighten the skin. This noninvasive procedure uses ultrasound energy to go through the skin in order to reach the subdermal layers of the skin. By reaching these subcutaneous layers with the...