Tummy Tuck - How It Helps the Abdomen

Posted December 30, 2022
Tummy tuck to improve the abdomen

As a person ages, the appearance of excess fat and skin in the area of the abdomen can start to be a problem. Patients who want to address this issue can have a tummy tuck, AKA abdominoplasty, in order to gain an improved look and shape to the abdomen. During a traditional tummy tuck, an incision is made that runs from one side of the hip to the other side of the hip, as well as around the belly button, in order to reposition the navel. In addition, excess fat and skin is removed and the connective tissue in the abdomen is tightened with sutures.

In order to get a better understanding of how a tummy tuck can benefit the abdomen, check out the latest video from Cosmetic Town TV:

Tummy Tuck – Why it is Performed

There are multiple reasons that a person can start to develop excess fat on the skin along with less skin elasticity and weak connective tissues in the abdomen. Some of the reasons that these conditions might occur include significant changes in the weight of a person, the aging process, abdominal surgery (such as a C-section), and pregnancy.

In addition to removing skin and fat that is loose or excess, a tummy tuck is also able to remove stretch marks that are located below the belly button (in the lower abdomen). In addition, patients who had a C-section in the past might be able to incorporate the scar from the C-section into the scar resulting from the tummy tuck.

Tummy Tuck – Possible Risks

Anyone who decides to have a tummy tuck needs to know about the various risks that might occur after the procedure. Some of these risks include:

  • Poor wound healing and this can include the incision separating along the incision line
  • Fluid accumulating under the skin so the surgeon might leave drainage tubes in place after the treatment to help remove excess blood and fluid
  • Changes in the sensation of the skin such as numbness and a reduction in the skin sensation felt in the area
  • Scarring that varies in visibility and length per patient
  • Damage to the tissue in the abdominal area
  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Adverse reaction to anesthesia

Tummy Tuck – What Patients Need to Expect

What to Expect From Tummy TuckThe procedure will be performed in a hospital or in a surgical facility on an outpatient basis. The patient will be given some anesthesia to keep them comfortable during the surgery.

As mentioned earlier, a traditional tummy tuck involves the surgeon creating incisions in the body to remove a good portion of the excess skin and fat that is located between the pubic hair and the belly button. Then, the connective tissue that lies over the abdominal muscles is tightened and secured with sutures.

The amount of excess fat and skin that is removed varies per person. The length and shape of the incision is determined by the desired results and the type of tummy tuck performed by the surgeon. In addition, the plastic surgeon will reposition the skin located around the belly button and the belly button will be sutured back into position.

Tummy Tuck – Recovery and Results

Once the surgery is completed, the treated area will be covered by surgical dressings and some drains might be left in place to drain excess fluid and blood from the body. The doctor will prescribe some pain medication and the patient will need to wear an abdominal binder (a supportive abdominal garment) for a period of time to be determined by the doctor. This supportive abdominal garment helps to prevent a buildup of fluid while also supporting the abdomen.

The first six weeks after a tummy tuck will require the patient to be careful and not perform any type of strenuous exercise or movements. These activities can cause a strain on the incision line and might lead to a reopening of the wound.

If the patient commits to following a proper diet and exercising on a regular basis, the results from a tummy tuck can last for ten years (or longer). The results from a tummy tuck include an improved tone to the abdomen and a smoother contour to the body of the patient. Any scarring from a tummy tuck usually becomes lighter and flatter as time passes after the surgery.

Tummy Tuck – First Steps

The first step in the tummy tuck process is scheduling an appointment with a surgeon who is experienced in performing a tummy tuck. The doctor should also be board-certified and willing to answer any questions the patient has about the procedure. The consultation appointment is the time that the surgeon will examine the patient and make sure the person is healthy enough to have a tummy tuck. The doctor will also ask the patient about the type of results they hope to see in order to make sure the person has realistic expectations when it comes to the final results. Once the doctor and the patient are in agreement about the results that can be expected from the surgery, the tummy tuck procedure can be scheduled.

- MA


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