Plastic Surgery Myths - Real or False?

Posted August 05, 2020
A look at plastic surgery myths and if they are real or not

Plastic surgery is normally performed to give patients a change in their appearance that they have always desired. From rhinoplasty that changes the size or shape of the nose to breast augmentation or butt augmentation that increases the size and contour of the breasts or butt, plastic surgery is a popular method to give patients a look that is closer to how they imagine their appearance could be when they look in the mirror. Along with the actual changes that come from a plastic surgery procedure, there are a number of plastic surgery myths that are also commonly discussed, and even believed, by people interested in undergoing a procedure. Here are some of the most common plastic surgery myths as well as whether or not the information they contain is real or false.

Common Plastic Surgery Myths

  • Fat can reappear after a liposuction procedure – Liposuction eliminates unwanted fat on certain areas of the body such as the abdomen or hips. The stubborn fat can occur due to reasons such as obesity or genetics. In traditional liposuction, tiny incisions are made in the targeted area and the fat is removed using a suction tube known as a cannula. One of the biggest myths about this cosmetic procedure is that the fat will reappear at some point after it is originally removed from the body. This myth is not true as the fat that is removed from the body using liposuction is not able to grow again in the treated area. Fat can continue to grow and accumulate on the body and liposuction might need to be performed again at some point to address the additional stubborn fat. As a bonus liposuction myth, many people think this cosmetic surgery choice is a weight loss method but this is also not the case. Weight loss needs to be achieved through diet and exercise or through a procedure such as gastric bypass surgery as opposed to liposuction.
  • Plastic surgery is nothing more than a simple makeover – No matter how many advances are made in the plastic surgery field; there will always be a certain number of people that still think plastic surgery does nothing more than provide a simple makeover to the appearance of a person. The myth that plastic surgery is only done to give a person is a makeover is not true. There are a large number of people that are born with defects on their skin such as marks and psoriasis or they have weight problems that are genetic and need to be addressed through plastic surgery. While it is true that plastic surgery does more than simply provide patients with a makeover to their appearance, there is also nothing wrong with the decision to have plastic surgery simply to enhance the appearance of a person. Everyone deserves the chance to have the look they want and plastic surgery can help people achieve their goals when it comes to their appearance.
  • Plastic surgery is only for rich people – Plastic surgery was often viewed in the past as being very expensive. It has also been viewed as a luxury item that can only be afforded by the rich and famous. Many potential patients do not perform additional research about their desired procedure for the simple fact they are afraid they cannot afford to have plastic surgery. While this myth might have been true many years ago, the advances and updates in the plastic surgery industry have made it easier than ever for anyone to make the changes they want to see in the look of their body. The number of procedures available to the public, along with the multiple options that are available when it comes to undergoing any number of plastic surgery treatments, means patients have the ability to easily find the right procedure at the right price for their budget.
  • Plastic surgery can cause complications after the procedure – It seems pretty obvious to say that plastic surgery results in multiple benefits to a patient and these benefits are not just physical changes to the body. Plastic surgery can make patients much happier with their appearance which also provides a person a better self-image and increased confidence in their overall look. In addition, plastic surgery can make it easier for a person to exercise or enjoy physical activities. For example, breast reduction surgery can ease the pain that often happens with the back if a person has breasts that are overly large or heavy. Breast reduction surgery allows a person to enjoy more freedom when it comes to choosing exercise activities. The improved amount of fitness and activity enjoyed by a person also means better health thanks to the ability to exercise on a regular basis. The myth that plastic surgery itself is the cause of complications after the procedure is not true. Many patients that have reported issues with their plastic surgery, or had some sort of complaint after the procedure, often had a medical condition or a long-term medical history problem, such as heart disease, that became worse after the plastic surgery was performed. This is one of the reasons why it is so important to schedule a consultation appointment with an experienced and board-certified doctor before having any type of plastic surgery. The doctor will examine the patient to make sure the person is in overall good health as well as mentally prepared for the changes that will occur to the body after the plastic surgery is performed.

Patients that are armed with the correct information about plastic surgery, and do not believe any of the myths listed above, will be ready to visit their doctor of choice to discuss and schedule their plastic surgery procedure.



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