Double Chin Dilemma - Plastic Surgery Solutions Here

Posted April 21, 2023
Learn about double chin

The appearance of a double chin, which is excess loose skin or submental fat under the chin, is not a welcome sight for those who are experiencing it. There are multiple solutions to this dilemma so let’s examine how a double chin can be treated and eliminated on the body.

Our spotlight on the treatment of a double chin starts with this insightful video from Cosmetic Town News:

Double Chin – Why Does it Happen?

A double chin occurs when a good amount of submental fat builds up between the jawline and the top of the neck. This accumulation of fat can cause a strain on the jaw and neck muscles which can also lead to sagging of the surrounding skin. Once the sagging skin starts, wrinkles will develop between the chin and the submental fat deposit which is what gives the area the appearance of a double chin.

How do Double Chins HappenThere are several causes for a double chin and one of the most common is weight gain. However, not all overweight people have a double chin and not everyone who has a double chin is overweight. It is often the case that the accumulation of fat can increase the risk of getting a double chin as the more weight that is gained, the less space there will be on the face for fat.

Genetics is another cause for a double chin as certain genes can increase the chances of holding onto fat on the neck and chin. In addition, the genetic makeup of a person will determine the length of the jawline as well as the prominence of the chin. A person who is genetically predisposed to having a weaker chin or a shorter jawline is likely to have to deal with a double chin.

The aging process can also play a role in the formation of a double chin. As a person ages, the muscles can begin to break down including the muscles located in the neck and chin. Once a person starts to lose muscle, the skin around the chin can become looser which can lead to the formation of a double chin.

Double Chin – How is it Treated Surgically?

The way a double chin is treated depends on the structure of the area located under the chin and the type of aesthetic results desired by the patient. A double chin can be addressed by both surgical and non-invasive treatments, and both will be covered in this article.

When it comes to surgical procedures to treat a double chin, one of the most popular options is chin liposuction which is performed to remove excess fat from the area by using a cannula to suck out the excess fat. Another surgical choice is a neck lift, AKA lower rhytidectomy, which allows the surgeon to remove the desired amount of fat along with tightening the muscles and the skin in the treated area. A chin tuck, AKA submentoplasty or a mini neck lift, is when fat is removed from the area under the chin while also tightening the skin of the patient.

Double Chin – Are There Non-Invasive Options?

There are also some non-invasive methods of eliminating the appearance of a double chin for patients who do not want the extended recovery time that comes with a surgical procedure. For example, injections of Kybella can help to break down fat while also providing results that are similar to more invasive options. Kybella is an ideal choice for patients who have a double chin but do not have any significant amount of hanging skin or fat. It is also approved by the FDA for the purpose of fat reduction in the area of the neck.

While the use of lasers has been mentioned as a potential technique for the reduction of a double chin, there is also a school of thought that says the use of lasers to reduce the thickness of fat in a neck, as well as to tighten the skin, is not an effective solution on its own.

Double Chin – Are Patients Happy with the Results?

Patients who undergo a procedure to address the appearance of their double chin can expect to enjoy a look that is younger and thinner in the area of the chin. They will also experience a refreshed appearance that is smoother when it comes to the look and feel of the skin along with an improved definition to the neck and chin. The final results of a treatment for a double chin depend on the type of treatment that is performed, the extent of the work performed by the doctor, and the quality of the skin of the patient. In addition, the length of the results is determined by the type of procedure that is performed. For example, the results of liposuction on the chin will be permanent as long as the patient maintains a consistent weight.

Double Chin – Are There Risks Involved with Having a Treatment?

Some of the cosmetic concerns associated with having surgery for a double chin include possible scarring, asymmetry to the results, and discoloration of the skin in the treated area. In addition, patients can expect to experience bleeding, pain, and swelling.

As shown above, patients who want to treat a double chin have multiple options available to them. In order to choose the double chin treatment that is best for their individual needs, patients need to schedule a consultation appointment with a board-certified doctor who is experienced in treating a double chin.

- MA


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