Expert Doctor

Back Sculpting

Back sculpting pertains to any procedure that aims to improve the appearance of the back by removing excess fat. There are several procedures that can be used for this purpose with the most common being liposuction, radiofrequency treatment, and laser treatment. There are also a couple of procedures that uses newer machines to help remove fat without the need for surgery. An example of such a procedure is CoolSculpting. Coolsculpting is a one-hour painless procedure that melts away 20% of excess fat in just one session.

Aside from the back itself, a back sculpting treatment may also include other areas such as the hips, waist, and sides of the abdomen. Most of the time, surgery is needed to remove excess fats in these areas because a non-surgical approach produces limited results if too much fat is present.



Back sculpting procedures are for patients who are overweight by about 25 to 30 pounds. On the other hand, most people who are at their normal weight, or just a bit underweight, do not have a lot of back fat and may not be suited for back sculpting.  Men who are already in great shape but have large love handles can benefit from back sculpting. Love handles are difficult to get rid of with just diet and working out. 



Back sculpting is not similar to a tummy tuck which deals with fat, skin and muscle. Liposuction of the abdomen deals with the front abdominal area while back sculpting deals with the back. Liposuction can be a 3-D procedure and include the waist, hips and back fat. This procedure can include treating problems on the upper back.

Furthermore, another difference between the two is the type of tissues removed. In back sculpting, the surgeon only removes excess fats. In a tummy tuck, both the excess fats and skin are removed. In some cases, a tummy tuck may also require manipulation or removal of some muscle tissue.  Some patients only require liposuction of abdominal fat without removing skin or tightening muscle as in a tummy tuck. These patients may also get a result from CoolSculpting.



The main limitation of a back sculpting procedure is that it is not a weight loss procedure. It is a body contouring procedure only. It is indicated for overweight patients but it does not mean they can lose weight from the treatment. Both surgical and non-surgical forms of back sculpting are not for patients who are obese or for anyone looking to shed excess weight. Back sculpting will not get rid of loose skin, so it is not suitable for patients who have too much skin laxity.  



As long as the procedure is properly done it will not produce any serious long-term or short-term complications. There will be some mild to moderate swelling and bruising after the operation, but it is nothing that cannot be managed by prescription medications and some rest.



Patients are advised to take a shower and go back to normal activities a day after the procedure. Unless the treatment is non-invasive, the patient must not do any strenuous activity for at least a week.  



A surgical approach, even with all the swelling and bruising, tend to produce more instant results. There will be more improvements over the next six months. A non-surgical approach also tends to produce fast results although the changes are more apparent with the surgical technique. A surgical method gives 100% improvement while it is only 20% for non-surgical.



The improvements brought about by back sculpting procedures are immediate and long-lasting. The treated area will immediately look better than before treatment, and fast forward to six months it will look even better as the skin continues to tighten over the fat. Simply put, the final results will be seen three to six months after the procedure. The results for both surgical and non-surgical back sculpting are permanent unless the patient gains a significant amount of weight. Very rarely does a patient require any form of back sculpting more than once.



Back sculpting improves the appearance of the back while also removing excess fats. Since there are a number of procedures that can be used for this purpose, a patient needs to consult with an experienced doctor before making a final decision on which procedure to undergo. A doctor who is experienced in performing back sculpting procedures can determine which method will give the best results.


Written by Cosmetic Town Editorial Team- AA

Based on an exclusive interview with Rhoda Narins, MD in New York, NY