
VenaSeal treats the underlying causes of varicose veins without the need for surgery. A catheter is inserted into specific areas along the diseased vein. After the catheter is positioned, it delivers small amounts of VenaSeal medical glue (chemically called cyanoacrylate). After the appropriate amount of VenaSeal glue is administered, the catheter is removed and a bandage is placed over the puncture site. Once the impacted vein is closed, blood is immediately re-routed through other healthy veins.

Ideal candidates are healthy patients who want to treat symptomatic superficial varicose veins. Patients with a history of hypersensitivity to the adhesive used during the procedure are not good candidates. The best candidates are healthy individuals who have realistic expectations regarding the results of the procedure.

The typical cost for VenaSeal ranges from $2500-$4000. The final cost depends on the number of veins treated, anesthesia fees, the surgeon’s level of expertise and the geographic location of the procedure.

After the procedure, a small bandage is placed on the puncture site where the catheter was inserted. Strenuous activities should be avoided for 48 hours. Also, long periods of standing should be avoided for about 3 weeks. There can be mild to moderate pain for 1-2 weeks along the treated vein. This can be managed with light walking and leg elevation while resting. The results from the procedure are permanent since the body absorbs the glued vein by sclerosis.

Calf Implants

Calf Implants

submitted on   Fri Sep, 04, 2015 by Sam Gershenbaum, MD     
Calf implants are used to improve the look of the legs, as well as the entire body, by adding proportion and definition to the lower legs. Also known as calf augmentation, calf implants can be considered a cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. Implants can add fullness and definition to enhance...