
Tazorac is a retinoid gel that is used to treat wrinkles, acne and psoriasis. Retinoic acid is a derivative of Vitamin A and causes the top layer of the skin to naturally exfoliate and expose fresh skin below. It also prevents the breakdown of collagen which is a protein that gives the skin an elastic and youthful appearance. Tazorac gel should be applied only to the affected areas as healthy skin will experience side effects such as itching or burning.

Individuals with psoriasis or acne are good candidates for the treatment. Tazorac gel cannot be used when pregnant or breastfeeding.

The price depends on the strength and size of the tube, the extent of the treatment and if a generic form is used. The price can range from $175-$400 per tube.

 A course of Tazorac gel is generally 12 weeks to 12 months depending on the condition and severity of the affected area. Results are seen after the course is completed and the results are generally long lasting.

Halo Hybrid Fractional Laser

Halo Hybrid Fractional Laser

submitted on   Wed Jun, 15, 2016 by Aric Aghayan, MD     
Halo hybrid fractional laser is a skin laser that delivers ablative and non-ablative wavelengths of laser energy at the same time. Ablative lasers, like CO2 and Erbium, vaporize the outer skin layers to effectively resurface and rejuvenate the skin. Non-ablative technologies like Fraxel laser...