LightSheer Laser

– LightSheer diode laser removes unwanted hair on the skin by moving a handpiece across the areas being treated. It emits a beam of highly focused light that is absorbed by the pigment (melanin) in the hair. The laser pulses for a fraction of a second to heat up the hair and significantly impair the ability of the follicle to re-grow. The procedure can treat numerous hair follicles simultaneously so it is appropriate for treating large areas quickly and effectively.

Ideal candidates are looking to reduce unwanted hair on the skin. The procedure can be used on several parts of the body except the eyelids, genitals and other areas with sensitive skin. Patients with white or gray hair may not have enough pigment targets to be a candidate. Patients under the age of 18 aren't suitable for the procedure.

The typical cost ranges from $500-$2000.The final cost depends on the size of the area to be treated, surgical facility fees, the surgeon’s level of expertise and the geographic location of the procedure.

The procedure removes unwanted hair on the skin. There may be some mild tingling, itching and redness that dissipate within 24 hours. After a couple of days, the treated hair begins to fall out. Depending on the thickness of the hair and the area of the body being treated, up to seven treatments may be needed. The results from the procedure are permanent.

Hair transplants for African American and Ethnic Patients

Hair transplants for African American and Ethnic Patients

submitted on   Fri Jan, 03, 2020 by Amir Yazdan, MD     
Ethnic hair transplants are hair transplants performed on non-Caucasians to restore the shape, density and appearance of the hairline without compromising the ethnic identity of the patient. Ethnic hair transplantation keeps the overall aesthetic of the patient’s scalp in mind while considering...