Gingival Graft

A gingival graft, or gum graft can be performed as connective-tissue grafts and pedicle grafts. Connective-tissue grafts involve cutting a flap of skin from the roof of the mouth. The subepithelial connective tissue under the flap is removed and stitched to the gum tissue surrounding the exposed root. After the graft has been removed from under the palatal flap, it is stitched. Pedicle grafts involve grafting tissue from the gum near the damaged tooth. The flap is partially cut in such a way that an edge still remains attached. The gum is pulled down to cover the exposed root and then sewn into place.

Ideal candidates want to correct the effects of gum recession. Patients with unhealthy oral tissues, gum disease, bleeding disorders, diabetes or any other health conditions that can affect the healing process are not suitable candidates.

The typical cost ranges from $700-$2000. The cost depends on the technique used, the amount of work to be done, whether or not dental insurance covers part of the cost and the geographic location of the procedure.

The procedure covers exposed root surfaces. Recovery lasts 1-2 weeks and normal activities can be resumed a day after the procedure. Patients should avoid flossing, brushing the treated areas and eating hard foods. A special mouthwash which controls plaque build-up should be used during the recovery period. There is no guarantee gum problems won't occur again in the future. However, regular checkups and careful dental care can lessen the chances.

Dental Bridges

Dental Bridges

submitted on   Tue Jan, 26, 2016 by Kevin Brown, DDS     
A dental bridge uses a fixed prosthetic device to address missing teeth. The device is called a dental bridge because it bridges a gap between one or more missing teeth. The process uses the adjacent teeth to support the bridge/artificial teeth located in-between the natural teeth. The...