
Male and female genitalia can be altered and rejuvenated through a variety of methods. For females, vaginal rejuvenation includes labiaplasty, vaginoplasty, vulvaplasty, clitoral hood reduction and monsplasty. These procedures work to reduce the size or length of the vagina, tighten the area, reduce bulges of excess skin and fat in the upper part of the hair-bearing part of the vagina known as the mons and eliminate excess tissue in the clitoral hood.  Male genitalia cosmetic surgery includes penis enlargement and testicular implants. These techniques can add size or volume to the male genital area as well as make it more aesthetically pleasing and rejuvenated in appearance.

Ideal candidates for female genitalia cosmetic surgery are women bothered by the appearance or function of the vagina, those suffering from genital structures that are lax or stretched out, have pain or a loss of sensation during intercourse and those that want to improve the look and contour of her genitals. Male candidates want to see an improvement in the appearance or size of their genitals as well as experience better sensation during intercourse.

The cost of male and female genitalia cosmetic surgery depends on the technique performed, the complexity of the procedure and any fees charged by the doctor or the facility. Labiaplasty, vaginoplasty and vulvaplasty are anywhere from $3000-$12,000 while clitoral hood reduction is $3000-$5000. Monsplasty is in the range of $4000-$7000. Penis enlargement surgery costs $4000-$9000 while testicular implants are $2250-$3700 per implant.

The results of male and female genitalia surgery are long lasting and can even last a lifetime. The final results can be impacted by the aging process as well as the lifestyle of the patient. In general, patients will enjoy a rejuvenated appearance as well as better function of the treated area and a life free of pain or discomfort in the treated area after their procedure of choice.