DiVa Vagina Therapy

diVa Vagina therapy delivers two wavelengths simultaneously to resurface and regenerate vaginal tissue as well as stimulate collagen. The diVa handpiece is rotated down the vaginal canal. The handpiece is covered with a single-use Strengthened Quartz Dilator (SQD) which remains stationary. Since the dilator remains stationary throughout the duration of the treatment, the laser energy is sent through a new section of the quartz with every pulse.

Ideal candidates have vaginal laxity, are suffering from orgasmic problems or sexual dissatisfaction, vaginal dryness and urinary incontinence. Candidates with active lesions in the area to be treated are not good candidates. Patients that are pregnant are also not good candidates for the procedure.

The typical cost for diVa vagina therapy ranges from $1000-$4000.The final cost depends on anesthesia fees, any necessary medical tests, the geographic location of the procedure and if other procedures are performed at the same time.

The procedure rejuvenates and revitalizes the vagina. Patients can return to their daily activities immediately though it is advised to refrain from sexual intercourse for 3-7 days after the treatment. Patients might experience mild cramping and spotting. For the best results, a treatment of three sessions, spaced four weeks apart, is needed. The results can last up to a year.

Gender Reassignment

Gender Reassignment

submitted on   Thu Jun, 25, 2015 by Sherman Leis, MD     
Gender reassignment surgery is known by a number of names...