Motiva Breast Implants

Motiva breast implants feature various styles including SilkSurface, TrueMonobloc, Bluseal, progressive gel plus and progressive gel ultima. The procedure is done by placing the silicone implants behind breast tissue or under the chest muscle. The base of the implant will define the resulting cleavage and the fullness is determined by the implant projection and the cup by the implant volume. After the implant has been placed, the incision is carefully sutured.  In order to get the desired implant, the overall shape, size, base and projection must be considered by the surgeon.

Ideal candidates for breast augmentation should be a non-smoker and free from bleeding tendencies and infections as well as free from cancerous and pre-cancerous tissues. The procedure is not ideal for pregnant or breastfeeding women. In order to be eligible to undergo the procedure, the patient must be 22 years or older.

The typical cost for a breast implant surgery ranges from $2700 - $8100. The final cost also depends on any fees charged by the surgeon or the facility, the cost of the implants themselves, any necessary medical tests, the surgeon’s level of expertise, the geographic location of the procedure and if any other procedures are performed at the same time.

The breasts may remain swollen and sensitive to physical contact for a month or longer. The patient is likely to feel tired and sore for several days following the operation. Feelings of tightness in the breast area may also be experienced as the skin adjusts to the new breast size. Patients should be able to return to work within a few days. All Motiva implants are covered against rupture by the Always Confident warranty, for the lifetime of the device and by Product Replacement Policy against capsular contracture. The majority of implants can last 10-20 years without complications.

Capsulectomy for Capsular Contracture

Capsulectomy for Capsular Contracture

submitted on   Wed Jun, 17, 2015 by Robert Troell, MD     
Capsulectomy, for capsular contracture after breast augmentation, can be performed in several ways. Capsular contracture is a common complication after breast augmentation that causes symptoms such as discomfort, pain and hard or distorted breasts. When a foreign object such as an implant is...