
Macrolane is a gel compound made of non-animal hyaluronic acid used for enhancing the calves and buttocks. It is sometimes used as an alternative to breast augmentation surgery. The procedure begins with the creation of a small incision in the treatment area. A thin tube, or cannula, is used to inject the Macrolane gel into the subcutaneous layer (inner layer) of the skin. The procedure generally lasts 45-60 minutes. Antibiotics are given either before or after the treatment to reduce the risk of infections.

Ideal candidates generally desire to shape, add or restore volume to specific areas of the body. The best candidates are patients above 18 years of age who have realistic expectations regarding the results. Patients suffering from a skin infection or inflammation in the area to be treated as well as women that are pregnant or breastfeeding are also not suitable candidates.

The typical cost ranges from $2500-$7000.The final cost depends on the part of the body being treated, the amount of gel to be used, fees charged by the hospital or doctor, the surgeon’s level of expertise and the geographic location of the procedure.

The procedure shapes, adds or restores volume to specific areas of the body. The amount of recovery time needed is very minimal. There could also be slight bruising, swelling or itching at the injection site. Patients are advised not to sleep on the areas that got enhanced for a few weeks to reduce the risk of swelling and bruising. The results last for a period of 12-18 months.

Sculptra Non-Invasive Butt Lift

Sculptra Non-Invasive Butt Lift

submitted on   Mon Oct, 05, 2015 by Annie Chiu, MD     
Sculptra is FDA-approved dermal filler, made with poly-L-lactic acid, and is normally used to rejuvenate the face by stimulating the body’s own collagen to lift and contour. Doctors have discovered a use for Sculptra beyond the face and they use it to rejuvenate a major part of the lower half of...