Am I a Candidate for Rhinoplasty?

Posted December 19, 2016
Who is an ideal candidate for having a rhinoplasty procedure

Rhinoplasty is performed to improve the shape and function of the nose. It can enhance the symmetry of the nose as well as improve facial balance and the proportion of the features of the face. Rhinoplasty can also improve and correct the ability to breathe on the part of the correcting structural issues such as a deviated septum.

Good Reasons for Rhinoplasty

  1. Nasal reconstruction
  2. Wanting improvement in the appearance of the nose
  3. Deviated septum or other breathing issues
  4. Improve the balance of the facial features
  5. Repairing damage from an accident or trauma
  6. Cleft lip or cleft palate

Bad Candidates for Rhinoplasty

  1. Patients with unrealistic expectations
  2. Nasal cartilage or skin that lacks structural integrity
  3. Too young/nose has not finished growing yet
  4. Patients having the surgery to make someone else happy
  5. Patients with medical issues that can impair healing

Cost Expectations

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the average cost of rhinoplasty starts around $4500. The total price can be higher depending on other factors such as fees charged by the surgeon, surgical facility fees and anesthesia fees. The price also varies according to the geographic area where the surgery is performed. Some rhinoplasty procedures may be covered by insurance if the surgery is deemed medically necessary to help the breathing issues of a patient.

Choosing the Type of Rhinoplasty Surgery

There are various types of rhinoplasty available to patients and they include:

  • Reduction Rhinoplasty – This procedure is performed in order to give patients a nose more in proportion with the other features of the face.
  • Augmentation Rhinoplasty – A technique that reshapes the nose through the use of tissue or bone grafting to build up the bridge or nasal tip of the nose.
  • Post-Traumatic Rhinoplasty – A form of rhinoplasty that benefits the functionality and appearance of the nose on patients who have suffered an injury to the nose.
  • Reconstructive Rhinoplasty – A technique that rebuilds the nose through the use of skin grafts or flap techniques. This version of rhinoplasty is used by patients who have lost parts of the nose due to skin cancer, an accident or a serious illness.
  • Ethnic Rhinoplasty – A form of rhinoplasty that focuses on surgery performed on patients of African American, Asian or Middle Eastern descent. This technique takes great care to preserve the ethnic identities and qualities of the nose.

Risks and Complications

Patients need to be aware of any potential risks and complications before undergoing rhinoplasty. Some of the common risks and complications include:

  1. Too much correction, or not enough correction, that might result in revision rhinoplasty
  2. Swelling
  3. Nerve damage
  4. Numbness
  5. Nosebleeds
  6. Scarring at the base of the nose
  7. Infections

Recovery Information

After the surgery, the area located around the nose and eyes will be swollen and bruised for several days. A cold compress can help reduce pain and swelling following rhinoplasty. It generally takes 10-14 days before the majority of the bruising and swelling goes away. Patients will need to keep their head elevated and mostly still for the first couple of days after the procedure. It will be several weeks before patients can resume any strenuous activities.

Rhinoplasty Results

The final results from rhinoplasty should be visible between 6 months to a year following the surgery. As long as the patient follows the post-op instructions from the doctor, and also avoids any further damage or trauma to the nose, the results should be permanent.



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