Closed Rhinoplasty - How Does it Work

Posted September 28, 2023
See how a closed rhinoplasty works

The desire to change the size, shape, or look of the nose can be achieved by having rhinoplasty AKA a nose job. Patients can choose from multiple rhinoplasty techniques and one of the most popular options is closed rhinoplasty. In this informative article, we will discuss how this technique is different from other rhinoplasty procedures as well as how it is performed.

Closed Rhinoplasty – Procedure Explained

Closed Rhinoplasty ExplainedClosed rhinoplasty is a cosmetic surgery option that involves the creation of incisions inside the nostrils of the patient. Since the incisions are made inside the nose, there is not a good amount of visible scarring on the outside of the nose.

In general, closed rhinoplasty is an ideal option for patients who want to reshape the tip of their nose, eliminate a bump or hump on the nose, or give the nose a shorter look.

As mentioned above, the surgeon creates the incisions inside the nose during closed rhinoplasty which means the surgeon does not have a complete view of the interior nasal structure of the nose since it is not fully opened. Since the surgeon will have a limited amount of visibility to the interior of the nose, it is important to pick someone with the necessary skills and experience in performing closed rhinoplasty.

At the start of the procedure, the patient will be given anesthesia to keep them comfortable during the surgery. General anesthesia is often the anesthesia of choice because closed rhinoplasty can result in blood going into the throat and this can be dangerous if the patient is not conscious during the surgery.

Once the anesthesia is administered, the surgeon will begin to create incisions inside the nostrils of the patient. The incisions are necessary so the skin can be separated from the cartilage of the nose. Then, the doctor will start to alter the look, shape, and size of the nose by shaving or adding bone to the nose or adding cartilage to the treated area. If the surgeon needs to add bone to the nose, the patient will also need to undergo a bone graft.

Once the intended changes have been made to the nose, the incisions will be closed with stitches or sutures and a nose splint or cast will be placed on the nose.

Closed Rhinoplasty – What to Expect After the Surgery

The nose splint or cast on the nose will need to be worn for about a week after the procedure as it helps to support the nose during the healing process. The patient will also need to take a few days off work at the start of the recovery process as well as sleep with the head elevated so the amount of possible swelling will be reduced.

Until instructed otherwise by the surgeon, the patient will need to avoid strenuous exercise or activities, blowing the nose, and wearing shirts that need to be pulled over the head.

The nose split or cast will be removed after about a week and the new look to the nose will start to be seen. There will likely still be some swelling and bruising around the eyes and nose, but these conditions will resolve on their own.  

Once the final results are visible, they should be permanent unless there is an accident involving the nose or some form of trauma to the nose.

Closed Rhinoplasty – Side Effects and Risks

There are some possible risks and side effects that patients need to know about before they make the decision to have closed rhinoplasty. These possible risks include difficulty breathing, numbness to the nose, a bleeding nose, bruising, swelling, and an asymmetrical look to the final results.

Closed Rhinoplasty or Open Rhinoplasty – Is There a Better Choice?

When it comes to rhinoplasty surgery, both open and closed rhinoplasty are able to make permanent changes to the nose of the patient. Unlike closed rhinoplasty, an open rhinoplasty surgery is a better choice for patients with noses that are severely crooked or asymmetrical in appearance. It is also a good choice for a person with breathing issues that are complex or severe. Open rhinoplasty gives the surgeon a better view of the interior structure of the nose, but it is also a more involved surgery with a longer recovery time and a better chance for visible scarring since the incisions are made on the outside of the nose.

The decision about which technique to undergo depends on the current condition of the nose, the amount of work that needs to be performed, and the desired final results on the part of the patient. A board-certified surgeon can examine the nose during a consultation appointment to determine the amount of changes that can be made to the nose as well as the best technique option to achieve the final results. Once the patient has realistic expectations and is in agreement on the treatment plan with the surgeon, the rhinoplasty surgery can be scheduled and performed.

- MA


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