Best Non-Invasive Lipo Doctors in Los Angeles

The best non-invasive lipo doctors in Los Angeles use techniques that do not require incisions to remove stubborn, hard to eliminate fat cells from the body.

Non-Invasive Lipo Procedure

A non-invasive lipo procedure uses laser energy, radiofrequency, ultrasound, or cryolipolysis to eliminate the targeted fat cells. The doctor places a device directly on the targeted section of the body in order to liquefy fat cells. The non-invasive lipo procedure requires no incisions and also tightens the tissues in the treated area.

Benefits of Non-Invasive Lipo

The benefits of non-invasive lipo include no need for incisions in the body, little to no downtime, and results that are long-lasting.

Average Non-Invasive Lipo Cost in Los Angeles

The average non-invasive lipo cost in Los Angeles depends on the technique performed by the surgeon, the size of the treatment area, and the number of areas being treated. Ultrasonic, laser, and radiofrequency treatment can cost anywhere from $2000-$4500 while cryolipolysis costs $1000-$1250 per treatment.

Who's a Good Candidate for Non-Surgical Lipo?

A good candidate for non-surgical lipo is a person with excess fat that is located on the thighs, abdomen, flanks, and hips. The ideal candidate should also have skin that is firm and elastic while also being near their ideal weight while not wanting to undergo invasive surgery.

How long is the recovery time for non-surgical Lipo?

The recovery time for non-surgical lipo can take several days and can include some redness, swelling, and discomfort. These conditions will resolve on their own and the non-invasive lipo results will be long-lasting as the long as the patient maintains a stable weight and healthy lifestyle.

Why Choose Cosmetic Town to Find the Best Non-Invasive Lipo Doctors in Los Angeles?

Patients can use Cosmetic Town to find the best non-invasive lipo doctors in Los Angeles thanks to the wide selection of Los Angeles non-invasive lipo doctors who are properly trained and experienced in providing an improved look to the body through non-invasive lipo.