Best Microdermabrasion Doctors in Los Angeles

The best microdermabrasion doctors in Los Angeles improve the tone and texture of the skin by removing skin that is old and dead and revealing skin that is new and rejuvenated in appearance.

Microdermabrasion Procedure

A microdermabrasion procedure starts with the placement of microcrystals in a machine. Then, the doctor places a skin adapter on the face so the microcrystals can be shot onto the targeted area of the body. The machine cleans the microcrystals and also abrades the treated area to remove any skin that is older or dead in favor of new skin under the surface that is more youthful and refreshed.

Microdermabrasion Uses and Benefits

In addition to the reveal of new, youthful skin, microdermabrasion also promotes the production of elastin and collagen. Microdermabrasion benefits also include the improvement of age spots, the reduction of fine lines, stretch marks, and wrinkles, and the gaining of a more youthful and refreshed look to the treated area.

Average Microdermabrasion Cost in Los Angeles

The average microdermabrasion cost in Los Angeles is anywhere from $60-$200. The final cost is determined by the extent of the treatment, the condition of the skin being treated, the number of treatments that are performed, and any fees charged by the doctor or the medical facility.

Microdermabrasion Recovery Time

Microdermabrasion recovery time can involve some redness or pinkness to the skin for six to eight weeks. In general, most Los Angeles microdermabrasion patients can resume normal activities in about a week (or less).

What Are the Types of Microdermabrasion?

The two main types of microdermabrasion include crystal microdermabrasion where tiny particles are sprayed at the face through a wand and diamond-tip microdermabrasion where an applicator makes direct contact with the skin as the exfoliation process is performed.

Why Choose Cosmetic Town to Find the Best Microdermabrasion Doctors in Los Angeles?

Patients can choose Cosmetic Town to find the best microdermabrasion doctors in Los Angeles as the website features multiple doctors who have the necessary training and experience to provide the desired Los Angeles microdermabrasion results.