Best Breast Implant Revision Doctors in Los Angeles

The best breast implant revision doctors in Los Angeles address any deformities that occur right after breast implants are placed in the body as well as with breast implants that have been in the body for several years. There are multiple reasons patients might want to have breast implant revision as the breast implants can be impacted as a person continues to age. Other examples include implants that rupture, sagging of the breasts, breast implants moving to a different position, and a large amount of weight gain or loss on the part of the patient. The issue experienced by the patient is solved by the placement of new breast implants in the body.

Am I a good candidate for breast implant revision?

A good candidate for breast implant revision is a person whose deformity of the breast can be corrected through the modification of the current pocket where the old implants were located so the new implants can be placed without having to use larger breast implants. In addition, a good candidate is a person who needs to change the placement of the implants or needs to elevate nipples that are pointing downward or has sagging skin.

Breast Implant Revision procedure

The breast implant revision procedure begins with the creation of an incision that is determined by the type of procedure performed by the surgeon. For example, the incision can be placed in the crease of the breast, all the way around the areola, or in a vertical direction in the breasts. The surgeon will remove the old implants through the incision and then place the new implants in the body.

Breast implant revision results & recovery

The final results of breast implant revision surgery can last anywhere from 10-15 years. The initial results will be obscured by swelling for about six weeks. In addition, it can take that amount of time for the breasts to have a softer and more natural feeling, In general, it can take anywhere from six to twelve months for the breasts to “feel normal” to the patient.

Average breast implant revision cost in Los Angeles

The average breast implant revision cost in Los Angeles varies by the amount of work that needs to be performed, if the new implants are the same as the old implants, and any additional fees charged by the doctor or the medical facility. In general, the cost is anywhere from $1500-$4000.

Why choose Cosmetic Town to find your breast implant revision surgeon?

Cosmetic Town can help you find the best breast implant revision surgeon for your specific case as the website has listings of board-certified breast implant revision surgeons. Each doctor on the website is experienced in performing the procedure and giving patients the information they need to make an educated decision about having breast implant revision surgery.