Butt Implants - How to Augment and Enhance the Booty

Posted June 15, 2023
How to augment and enhance the buttocks

Patients who have a butt that is flat in appearance or those that simply want to add some additional volume to their backside often turn to buttock augmentation using butt implants. In this article, the performance of butt implant surgery will be explored along with a look at the results they provide and whether or not the procedure is safe to perform.

Butt Implants – How Does the Surgery Work?

How Does Butt Implant Surgery WorksIn general, butt implants are devices that are placed in the buttocks to create a greater amount of volume in the area along with an improved shape and enhancement to the butt. The main goal of the treatment is to improve the look and shape of the butt.

The butt implants are made from FDA-approved semi-solid medical grade silicone. They are placed in the body through an incision that is created in either the crease of the buttocks or the area where the back of the thighs meets the cheeks of the buttocks.

Once the incision is created, a pocket is then surgically created so the doctor can place the butt implants below or above the muscle. In order to gain a greater amount of fullness to the butt, some implants are round so they can give the buttocks a fuller look at the top or mid-section of the butt. The implants can also be shaped like a teardrop if the patient wants an increased amount of fullness to just the mid-section of the butt.

Once the implants are inserted and in the desired position, the incision is closed. The patient will need to wear a compression garment on the treated area in order to help maintain any swelling that occurs during the initial recovery process.

Butt Implants – Are They Safe to Place in the Buttocks?

As mentioned above, the butt implants are made of semi-solid medical grade silicone. When it comes to documenting the safety of this type of surgery, the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery has reported a satisfaction rate of 95.6% for this type of surgery.

Even with the high level of satisfaction, there are some possible risks and side effects that patients need to know about when considering the placement of butt implants. These possible risks include:

  • Discoloration of the skin in the treated area
  • Bleeding
  • Scarring
  • Accumulation of fluid or blood under the buttocks
  • Infection

In addition to these risks, there is also a chance that the silicone butt implants will move out of place. If this happens, the butt will gain an uneven or asymmetrical appearance that will require surgery to fix.

Butt Implants – Who is a Good Candidate?

When it comes to having butt implants placed in the backside of a patient, a good candidate is a person who is not happy with the look, size, or shape of their buttocks. An ideal candidate can also be a person who has lost a good amount of weight which has resulted in their buttocks having a saggy or deflated appearance. If the butt has a naturally flat or square look, a patient can have butt implants placed to give the butt more volume. Finally, a person who wants to gain more curves to the butt in order to balance out the rest of their body shape is a good candidate.

Butt Implants – How Long Do They Last?

The results that a patient gains from butt implants are long-lasting as long as the person maintains a stable weight and also practices a healthy lifestyle. As a person ages, the size and shape of the butt might change due to the aging process and the effect of gravity pulling down on the body, If the shape and size of the butt changes as a person ages, the patient might need to undergo a follow-up procedure to address the changes to the butt. A follow-up procedure might also be necessary if the butt implants break or shift in the body.

Butt Implants – How Much Do They Cost?

While the cost can vary across the country, the average cost is anywhere from $8000-$10,000. The final cost depends on the expertise of the surgeon, the area of the country where the surgery was performed, and any additional fees charged by the doctor or the medical facility.

Patients do need to know that butt implant surgery is normally not covered by health insurance because it is considered to be an elective procedure that is usually performed for cosmetic and aesthetic reasons.

Anyone who is interested in having butt implant surgery needs to consult with a doctor who specializes in performing the surgery. The patient will need to be medically examined to make sure they are healthy enough for the surgery and that they are an ideal candidate for the procedure. The surgeon will also set realistic expectations so the patient will have a better idea of the type of results they can expect to enjoy after undergoing butt implant surgery.

- MA


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