Tickle Lipo

Tickle Lipo greatly reduces discomfort during a liposuction treatment. Patients have local anesthesia before the procedure and then a cannula is inserted into a small incision made on the area to be treated. These cannulas are operated by air and produce no heat which reduces discomfort. The cannula gives a tickle sensation while it's vibrated at 10 Hz and this breaks up the fat to make the fat extraction easier. After the fat is separated, it is extracted through the same cannula which makes the procedure very short compared to other liposuction procedures. Since no heat is used in the procedure, extracted fat can be reused if fat transfer is desired by the patient.

Ideal candidates want to tighten or tone their body. Tickle Lipo is not a weight loss procedure. It is primarily for removing stubborn fat. Good candidates are patients who are close to their ideal weight, have good skin quality, are physically active and have realistic expectations regarding the results.

Tickle Lipo cost depends on anesthesia fees, any necessary medical tests, the surgeon's level of expertise, the geographic location of the procedure and if other procedures are performed at the same time. In general, the cost ranges from $1500-$6500.

The procedure tightens and tones the body. During the first few days, patients can experience some slight swelling, pain or bruising which resolves in five to ten days. Patients may need to wear a compression garment or an elastic bandage for a few weeks to control swelling and direct the new body contours as the swelling subsides and the results become fully defined. The results can last a lifetime as long as a healthy diet is maintained.

Mini Liposuction

Mini Liposuction

submitted on   Tue Apr, 12, 2016 by David Amron, MD     
Mini liposuction is used to treat patients who are already near their ideal weight but want to target one or two areas of the body which are disproportionally retaining fat. The procedure is similar to regular liposuction in regards to the incisions being made and fat taken out. However, it is a...