Rhinoplasty Revision

Revision rhinoplasty corrects and improves the results of previous rhinoplasty such as the nose not having a balanced appearance, too much tissue removal making a pinched or narrow looking nose, breathing difficulties after surgery, too much cartilage removal making the nose weaker or the patient not having realistic expectations. Revision rhinoplasty is performed by either an open or closed technique. The surgeon might have to take tissue from other parts of the body or use synthetic implants. Ethnic revision rhinoplasty seeks to preserve the facial characteristics of ethnic patients including Middle Eastern, African American and Asian patients.

Ideal candidates for revision rhinoplasty include patients who are unhappy with the results of their first surgery, patients who suffered an injury to the nose while recovering from the initial procedure, those suffering from breathing problems caused by their rhinoplasty and patients who wish to improve the appearance of turned up nostrils, a pinched nose tip or other aesthetic issues. Ideal candidates for ethnic revision rhinoplasty are patients who wish to improve any breathing issues or make a change in the appearance of their nose while still maintaining their ethnic identity and appearance.

The first rhinoplasty surgery is often performed for an aesthetic reason which means it is not normally covered by insurance. However, revision rhinoplasty is often desired by patients to correct breathing issues so a good portion of the surgery might be covered by insurance. While the first surgery often costs in the range of $7500-$9000, revision rhinoplasty can cost in the range of $10,000-$15,000. The cost for ethnic revision rhinoplasty is in the $3000-$8000 range. These costs do not include any fees charged by the doctor or the facility or any charges for anesthesia.

While the final results of the initial rhinoplasty take about a year before becoming visible, the timeframe for revision rhinoplasty is closer to 18 months before seeing the final results. The longer timeframe is due to revision rhinoplasty often being a more complicated surgery thanks to the need to graft tissue or cartilage which makes the surgery last longer than the original procedure. Once the final results are visible, the results of traditional revision rhinoplasty and ethnic revision rhinoplasty should be permanent.

Revision Rhinoplasty

Revision Rhinoplasty

submitted on   Wed Mar, 05, 2014 by David Alessi, MD, FACS     
Revision rhinoplasty corrects functional or aesthetic nasal problems that occur after a previous rhinoplasty surgery. A functional revision is when a patient needs another surgery because of breathing issues such as obstruction of the nasal airways or other signs of impaired breathing. An...