
Liposonix is a non-invasive fat reduction treatment that uses high-intensity focused ultrasound energy (HIFU) to permanently destroy fat cells. The first step of the procedure involves marking the specific part of the body to be treated with the use of a surgical pen. Next, the Liposonix device is directed at the targeted area by focusing high-intensity ultrasound waves to the areas impacted by excess fat. The ultrasound energy penetrates the fat layers 1-2cm below the surface of the skin. Over the next eight to 12 weeks, the natural healing process of the body eliminates the disrupted fat cells.

Ideal candidates are healthy individuals with at least 1 inch of fat to lose in their abdomen or flanks and have a Body Mass Index of 30 or below. Patients that have more than an inch of excess fat, have excess fat that isn't in the abdomen area or have a history of heart problems are not good candidates. Patients should have realistic expectations regarding the procedure as it is not a weight loss process. It only eradicates fat in the targeted zones.

The cost of Liposonix depends on doctor or hospital fees, the surgeon's level of expertise and the geographic location of the procedure. The cost of a Liposonix procedure ranges from $1500-$3000.

The procedure eradicates excess fat in the abdominal region and results in a slimmer appearance. The procedure requires little or no downtime.There may be some slight redness, tingling, swelling and mild bruising in the treatment area for two or three 2-3 weeks after the treatment. Compression garments can be worn to help reduce swelling. The results can last a lifetime as long as a good diet and healthy lifestyle is maintained.

Mini Liposuction

Mini Liposuction

submitted on   Tue Apr, 12, 2016 by David Amron, MD     
Mini liposuction is used to treat patients who are already near their ideal weight but want to target one or two areas of the body which are disproportionally retaining fat. The procedure is similar to regular liposuction in regards to the incisions being made and fat taken out. However, it is a...