
Dermapen is a minimally-invasive treatment that improves the skin. A hand-held device (Dermapen) that has 12 ultra-fine sterile needles on the tip is glided across the surface of the skin vertically and horizontally. The device has a motor inside it which causes the needles at the tip to rapidly move back and forth to create punctures and set the body's healing process in motion. These punctures also stimulate the production of collagen which leads to the formation of a new layer of skin that is thicker and smoother. The procedure takes approximately 40-90 minutes.

Ideal candidates have visible signs of aging, scars, stretch marks, facial lines, wrinkles, sun damage and acne. The best candidates are patients who are free of facial scarring, recurrent cold sores, skin infections, bleeding disorders, heart disease or diabetes. Candidates should be twenty years or older and have realistic expectations regarding the procedure.

The typical cost for a Dermapen procedure ranges from $300-$800 per session.The final cost depends on anesthesia fees, any necessary medical tests, the geographic location of the procedure and if any other procedures are performed at the same time.

Dermapen rejuvenates the skin and restores radiance. There is little or no downtime needed after the procedure. The treated areas will be red for 12-48 hours and the skin may feel warmer and tighter than usual. The skin may flake slightly after the procedure and there could be slight peeling, swelling and bruising for a few days. Patients should avoid aggressive skin care products, exposure to sunlight and hot showers or saunas. For maximum results, 4-6 treatments are needed. The results last for as long as 6 months after which touch-up treatments are required.

Halo Hybrid Fractional Laser

Halo Hybrid Fractional Laser

submitted on   Wed Jun, 15, 2016 by Aric Aghayan, MD     
Halo hybrid fractional laser is a skin laser that delivers ablative and non-ablative wavelengths of laser energy at the same time. Ablative lasers, like CO2 and Erbium, vaporize the outer skin layers to effectively resurface and rejuvenate the skin. Non-ablative technologies like Fraxel laser...