Chin Liposuction

Chin liposuction is performed underneath the chin to address fat deposits. It removes fat cells and causes the muscle and the skin to tighten under the chin to define the jawline. Doctors also remove fat along, and under, the jawline going up towards the ear. The surgeon makes two small incisions before inserting a cannula to suction out the desired amount of fat and fluid. The surgery leaves a small scar that doesn’t require stitches. A patient with a lot of fat to be removed normally requires a combination of liposuction with direct fat excision. This allows the doctor to suture the muscles together under the chin while making the chin neckline look tighter.

Ideal candidates for chin liposuction includes people with good skin elasticity and those in their late teens that need jaw surgery to correct their bite as well as liposuction to remove fat deposits. In addition, patients in their 60s or 70s who want fat deposits removed under the chin and along the jaw with liposuction are ideal candidates. It is not a good procedure for those with skin that is not lax or people who want the more dramatic results that come from a facelift or other skin tightening procedures that are performed surgically.

The cost of having chin liposuction can vary according to a number of factors. These variables include the total amount of fat that is removed from the area under the chin as well as the geographic location of the country where the surgery is performed. Also, the price can vary according to any fees charged by the doctor or the facility and if direct fat excision is performed at the same time as the liposuction. Overall, the average price is anywhere from $2000-$4000.

The recovery time from chin liposuction is less than a week. The patient wears a support bandage under the neck, and around the head, to help reduce any swelling and bruising as well as support the skin under the chin so it does not sag as it shrinks to a new contour. Most people return to work in three to five days. Once the surgery is over, the fat cells are permanently removed. The final results can be impacted if the patient gains a good amount of weight after the surgery. They will gain fat all over their body and the fat will grow proportionally under the chin although it does not come back specifically in the treated area.

Chin Liposuction

Chin Liposuction

submitted on   Wed Apr, 06, 2016 by Randolph Robinson, MD     
Chin liposuction is a small amount of liposuction performed right under the chin. In some patients, that area can accumulate fat deposits that do not often go away even when a patient loses weight. In most cases, the reason is simply their genetics. There are a variety of exercises people do to...