Is a Thigh Lift Worth the Surgery?

Posted February 25, 2022
Are thigh lifts worth it

Weight loss of any kind requires a certain amount of dedication, discipline, and sometimes even medical intervention in more extreme cases. Whether you’re able to lose weight through diet and exercise alone, or by undergoing weight loss surgery, it’s extremely common for those who’ve lost a significant amount of weight to be left with excess skin once their ideal weight is achieved.

What is a Thigh Lift?

One of the main areas where this sagging skin occurs is the thighs, and for this reason, many people turn to plastic surgery as a way to have this excess skin removed. This procedure is called a thigh lift (aka a thighplasty), and it’s the only way to physically remove the fat and excess skin from the thigh region. For millions of people, it’s a necessary and crucial final step for them in their weight loss journey.

For a brief synopsis of what a thigh lift procedure entails, check out this video.

Do I Qualify for a Thigh Lift?

There are specific criteria that one must meet in order to qualify as a candidate for a thigh lift, so you should discuss this with an experienced plastic surgeon to make sure the procedure is something that would be suitable for you.

For instance, if choosing to have this surgery at the end of a weight loss journey, it’s often required that you’ve maintained your goal weight for at least 6 months before the procedure. If your weight is still fluctuating, this could negatively impact your results, as well as pose a risk for you after the operation.

Make sure to speak to your medical provider about this and other factors that could play a role in determining your candidacy for a thigh lift procedure.

What Are the Risks Involved?

A thigh lift is an invasive procedure, and it’s important to keep in mind that any surgery of this nature comes with its own unique set of risks. Therefore, the decision to undergo a thigh lift should be made with careful consideration.

Some of the risks associated with this procedure include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Excess bleeding after the operation
  • Scarring, specifically if not performed by an experienced surgeon
  • Infections
  • Decreased elasticity in the skin
  • Blood clotting as a result of deep vein thrombosis
  • Discoloration of the skin
  • Heart and/or lung complications

It’s also possible to experience wound separation, numbness in the thigh area, and fever after the procedure. If any of these occur, make sure to contact your doctor right away.

Some of these risks are more serious than others, and your overall health prior to the surgery will also play a role in just how much at risk you are. Make sure to choose a surgeon who will speak openly and honestly about what specific risks you need to be mindful of so that you’re able to make a well-informed decision.

What is the Procedure and Recovery Process Like?

What is Thigh Lift Procedure LikeThe procedure takes roughly two hours, though you should expect the process to take an entire day once you factor in the pre-op and post-op protocol. Once the surgery is complete, your incisions will be bandaged and you may also have a tube inserted into the area to help drain any excess blood and fluids in the following days. You’ll need to return to the surgeon to have this tube removed.

You should also expect to experience some pain, discomfort, and bruising for several days after the procedure. This is common and nothing to be alarmed about.

With a surgery of this nature, you’ll need to allow at least several weeks to rest and recover, and you’ll be prohibited from doing any strenuous exercise for at least 6 weeks. You should keep your legs elevated as much as possible during the recovery period, and expect to have some swelling in your ankles as you start to move around.

When Will I See Results?

While you may see an immediate difference in regards to the contour of your thighs right after the procedure, it typically takes up to 6 months before the full results are reached.

So… Is it Worth It?

Just like with any cosmetic procedure, whether or not a surgery is worth the risk varies from person to person. However, with the guidance of an experienced surgeon who has your best interest at heart, you can work together to determine if getting a thigh lift is the correct move for you.

- BJ


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