Thread Lift - Learn about this Facelift Alternative

Posted July 21, 2021
How does a thread lift work

One of the images that comes to mind when the public thinks about California is the residents of the state undergoing plastic surgery in order to gain, or maintain, a youthful look. Thanks to the rise of social media, the pressure to remain “Instagram ready” (or ready for other social media platforms) at all times is felt by people of all ages. One of the most popular California cosmetic surgery procedures in recent years is a thread lift that works to turn back the clock and provide patients with a youthful and rejuvenated look. Take a look below to learn more about how a thread lift is performed and the kind of results patients can expect to see from the procedure.

Thread Lift Growth in Popularity

A thread lift is an alternative to a facelift as it is a less invasive procedure that still provides final results that are natural in appearance. The thread lift procedure was first developed by American and Russian surgeons (working independently of each other) in the 1990s. The procedure has grown in popularity thanks to the evolution of sutures that are now more reliable and the fact that its mainstream appeal makes it a more affordable treatment than a facelift.

All a person has to do to determine its popularity is go onto a social media platform like Instagram where anyone interested in the topic will find over 300,000 images that are tagged with the hashtag #threadlift.

Thread Lift – How it is Performed

The thread lift process begins with the mapping of the bone structure of the patient, and any fat deposits, with a chalk pen in order to determine where the threads can best be placed. Then, a topical numbing agent is injected into the targeted areas of the face.

The surgeon will insert thin threads into the face through tiny incisions that are made in the sections of the face where the doctor intends to perform the thread lift. The inserted threads are attached to the skin tissue in order to stimulate the production of collagen. In addition, the threads are pulled back in order to provide both a lift and a smoothness to the look of the face. The lifting of the treated areas will cause them to become slightly raised and give the patient a look that is both rejuvenated and refreshed. The threads will eventually become knotted and hidden within the skin so there is little chance of scars being visible after the procedure.

The actual procedure takes about an hour to perform and patients can even return to work the next day (even though there might be some lingering puffiness and redness in the treated area).  The recovery process takes a few weeks and the threads placed in the skin will dissolve within six to nine months. Overall, the final results can last between one and two years.

The appearance of the final results is usually subtle in appearance so it is not obvious to others that a thread lift was performed. The final results are not necessarily impacted by the aging process as much as the amount of fat in the face that can be lifted. There is only so much lifting and pulling that can occur and still maintain a natural appearance. If patients want to enjoy extra volume to their sagging skin, they can have fillers placed in the face to add volume to areas where it has disappeared due to the aging process.

Thread Lift for the Stars

It has been reported that multiple celebrities have enjoyed the rejuvenating benefits of a thread lift. The list of celebrities that have been suspected of undergoing a thread lift include Bella Hadid, Kim Kardashian, Kendall Jenner and Gwyneth Paltrow.

One celebrity that has admitted to a thread lift is Eva Mendes. In November of last year, she posted an Instagram selfie that showed needles (with a pink edge) stuck in her neck in a medical office.

While there are multiple medical offices across the United States that perform the treatment, many patients want to travel for Los Angeles cosmetic surgery as well as visit the neighboring city of Beverly Hills for a thread lift. There are even doctors who visit Los Angeles on a regular basis to perform the treatment on select clients. One such doctor is Dr. Julius Few. This Chicago-based plastic surgeon told Los Angeles Magazine, “It started out as a favor for my dear friend Gwyneth Paltrow”.

Thread Lift Cost

The cost of a thread lift depends on the area of the country where it is performed, the extent of the procedure and any additional fees that are charged by the hospital or medical facility where it is performed.

Even though a thread lift can cost up to $4500, the price is still much less expensive than an invasive surgical procedure such as a facelift. Patients that are interested in learning more about a thread lift should schedule a consultation appointment with a board-certified doctor that is experienced in performing the treatment.

- MA


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