Brazilian Butt Lift - The 411 on this Cosmetic Fat Treatment

Posted March 20, 2019
Brazilian Butt Lift moves fat of the patient to the buttocks

When it comes to adding volume to the backside of a patient, one of the most popular cosmetic fat grafting treatments is a Brazilian butt lift (BBL). This cosmetic fat treatment adds volume to the buttocks, taken via liposuction from another part of the body, while also giving a better shape and contour to the appearance of the backside. Brazilian butt lift has grown in popularity thanks to the large number of celebrities that show off their enhanced backside on the red carpet, on stage and at awards shows.

Thanks to the increased interest in how a BBL is performed, as well as the recovery period and results of this cosmetic surgery technique, Cosmetic Town TV recently devoted a segment of its popular “411” series to this cosmetic fat treatment.

While the video above has a good amount of important information about undergoing a Brazilian butt lift, Cosmetic Town News has even more in-depth information about this cosmetic fat grafting technique.

Brazilian Butt Lift Cosmetic Fat Treatment and Ideal Candidates

A Brazilian butt lift is the process of removing fat from one area of the body such as the hips, back, thighs or abdomen and then injecting it into the buttocks of the patient. A small incision is made in the area targeted for cosmetic fat reduction and then a cannula is inserted into the layers of fat. The surgeon then performs liposuction by injecting a solution that is made of lidocaine, saline and epinephrine as this makes it easier for the cannula to break up the fat cells.

Once the desired amount of fat is ready to be removed, the fat cells and the fluid are removed thanks to a vacuum that is attached to the cannula. The fat that is removed is then processed and purified before being injected into the backside of the patient. The total amount of removed fat depends on the results desired by the patient. In addition, this cosmetic fat grafting procedure also gives the area where the fat was removed a better look thanks to the removal of the fat.

In order to be an ideal candidate for a Brazilian butt lift, patients should be close to their ideal weight but still have enough stubborn fat to remove using liposuction so it can be placed in the buttocks using fat grafting. In addition, the patient should desire the greater volume and contour in the booty that can be achieved thanks to the cosmetic fat treatment results provided by a BBL.

Brazilian Butt Lift Recovery, Limitations and Results

The amount of time a patient needs to take off work after a Brazilian butt lift varies per person. A person that has a job that involves sitting at a desk will require less recovery time than a person that has a more active job. In general, most people can return to work around three to six weeks after this cosmetic fat treatment.

There are a few limitations that should be considered when deciding to undergo a BBL. For instance, not all of the fat that is transferred will survive the fat grafting process. In addition, there is only so much fat that can safely be transferred during the Brazilian butt lift. Each patient also has a certain amount of fat that is available for transfer so the final results are limited by that fact. Finally, there is only a certain amount of fat that can be transferred while still retaining a natural appearance to the buttocks. The amount of fat grafting that can be performed, while still remaining natural in appearance, is different for each person.

The final results depend on the amount of fat that is transferred using fat grafting, the total amount of fat that survives the cosmetic fat treatment and if the patient follows a healthy diet and exercises regularly following the BBL. Since the fat comes from the body of the actual patient, there is a small chance of the fat being rejected by the body. Overall, the patient can expect to enjoy a better shape and contour to the backside of the body. In general, the results can last anywhere from several years to a lifetime provided the patient follows the instructions form the surgeon after the cosmetic fat treatment.

Consult with a Board-Certified Brazilian Butt Lift Doctor

Before making the final decision to undergo a Brazilian butt lift, patients should schedule a consultation appointment with a board-certified doctor that is experienced in performing a BBL cosmetic fat treatment. The doctor will discuss the pros and cons of the procedure as well as set realistic expectations for the final results. A Brazilian butt lift combines elements of cosmetic fat reduction, fat grafting and liposuction. This cosmetic surgery will require some downtime so the patients can heal after surgery. It is important that patients know all of the steps that are involved in having a BBL so they can make an informed decision about having this cosmetic surgery procedure.



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