Best Restylane Doctors in Los Angeles

The best Restylane doctors in Los Angeles utilize this dermal filler option to treat facial wrinkles as well as volume loss in the face. The best Restylane doctors in Los Angeles know their patients are trying to achieve a more youthful look that is also rejuvenated in appearance. These Los Angeles cosmetic doctors learn the type of results their patients want to see while still setting realistic expectations so their patients will have a good idea about the type of results they can achieve using Restylane.

What is Restylane & what is it used for?

Restylane is a dermal filler that is composed of hyaluronic acid. The filler is placed in the face to address volume loss and wrinkles that start to appear as a person ages. Restylane is able to give the patient a refreshed look that is also younger and more vibrant in appearance. The procedure begins with the doctor numbing the treatment site before injecting Restylane under the skin through the use of a thin needle. The hyaluronic acid that is present in Restylane draws water to the treated area of the face and it makes the tissues start to swell. Then, the Restylane will make any wrinkles and fine lines start to fill out. The procedure ends with the doctor massaging the treated area to make sure the filler is distributed evenly in the treated part of the face.

Restylane results & recovery

The Restylane recovery period begins with the patient experiencing some tenderness to the treated area as well as redness and swelling. These conditions will be present at the injection site for around 24 hours. Any normal activities on the part of the patient can be resumed immediately after the treatment. Restylane results can last anywhere from six to nine months and the total length of the results varies per patient. The final results give the person a rejuvenated look thanks to the lessening of fine lines and wrinkles in the treated area.

Restylane cost in Los Angeles

Restylane cost in Los Angeles varies by the needs of each patient. Some of the factors that impact the total cost include the condition of the skin before the treatment, the amount of filler used by the doctor, and the experience level of the medical professional. Overall, the cost can be anywhere from $500-$800 per syringe.

Restylane providers in Los Angeles

Patients who want to travel to Los Angeles for their treatment should use Cosmetic Town to find qualified Restylane providers in Los Angeles. Doctors featured on Cosmetic Town are experienced and board-certified and have a history of providing quality results. The doctors on the Cosmetic Town website examine the skin of the patient to make sure the person is an ideal candidate for the procedure.