Best Dermaplaning Doctors in Los Angeles

The best dermaplaning doctors in Los Angeles work to give patients a complexion that is brighter and smoother. A rejuvenated appearance is achieved through the removal of skin cells that are dead and dull along with the removal of vellus hair. Los Angeles dermaplaning doctors refresh the look of a person and gives them a more youthful appearance and brighter look to the skin.

Am I a good candidate for dermaplaning?

A good candidate for dermaplaning is a person who is in overall good health and has issues with the appearance of the skin including wrinkles, mild acne scars, fine lines, and a bit of hyperpigmentation that is superficial in nature. Beside being in good health, female patients who are pregnant or breastfeeding can also have the treatment.

Dermaplaning procedure

A dermaplaning procedure exfoliates the skin and it begins with the doctor thoroughly cleaning the face through the use of a pH balanced cleanser that is gentle. Then , the doctor applies 10% povidone iodine to the face in order to prevent any type of skin infection. A sterile surgical blade is used to scrape the skin of the patient before any additional dead skin or iodine is removed from the treated area, Finally, the doctor applies a light moisturizer and sunscreen (30 SPF or more) to the face.

Dermaplaning results & recovery

There might be some swelling and redness on the face after the treatment along with a tingling sensation. Patients need to avoid a large amount of exposure to the sun and wear sunscreen (30 SPF or higher) in order to lessen the risk of hyperpigmentation. The results will start to appear over the next three months and follow-up treatments will be needed to maintain the results.

Average Dermaplaning cost in Los Angeles

The average dermaplaning cost in Los Angeles can run anywhere from $150-$250. The final cost depends on the level of expertise of the doctor and the amount of work that needs to be performed.

Why choose Cosmetic Town to find your dermaplaning surgeon?

Cosmetic Town can help a patient find the right dermaplaning surgeon as the website features a wide range of doctors who are experienced in performing the treatment. Patients should ask their doctor of choice about the results they can expect to achieve as well as “before and after” photos of previous patients treated by the doctor. The doctor will examine the patient to make sure they are in good health and the skin is ideal for receiving a dermaplaning treatment.